Full Video of Jimmy Iovine and Eddy Cue at Code Conference

A few hours after announcing their $3 billion deal, Apple SVP Eddy Cue and Beats co-founder Jimmy Iovine came to the Code Conference to talk about what brought them together, and what they want to do next.

Re/code has posted the full video of the interview with Jimmy Iovine and Eddy Cue, recorded shortly after news of the Beats deal broke. We had a recap of the event, but I highly recommend watching the video as much of the nuance is lost in the transition to plain text.

The video is yet another confirmation of Jimmy Iovine’s vision and, as Marco says, charisma. Iovine knows music and he values music culture, which is reflected in Beats.

See also: this profile of Iovine by Ben Sisario for The New York Times.