Angry Birds Seasons Will Get “Amazing Update” for Easter

Angry Birds Seasons Will Get “Amazing Update” for Easter

With a series of tweets posted on the official @RovioMobile account, the Angry Birds developers have confirmed to their fans that Seasons will get an amazing and “great” update for Easter. A preview of the new features will be posted soon, but if we had to guess we wouldn’t be surprised to see more eggs and some kind of evil rabbits. Angry Birds Seasons was updated in the past to include Halloween levels, Christmas specials, a Valentine’s Day edition and a green St. Patrick’s Day version. The update is expected to drop in the App Store before Easter (which is on April 24 this year).

With other tweets, Rovio is also suggesting Angry Birds Seasons for Mac will be released before Summer, and a huge update for the regular “Angry Birds” game is set to come out in the next few months, hopefully around May / June. Check out Rovio’s Twitter timeline here to get more details on the updates the development studio is working on. Honestly, we can’t wait to have some more Angry Birds in our hands. And with a new record of 10 million downloads in 10 days, I’m pretty sure the next updates will dominate the App Store once again. [via]