GrowlingLion - A Lion Inspired Growl Theme

GrowlingLion - A Lion Inspired Growl Theme

Lion has been released, and I wanted to make a theme that felt native to the new system, So I created Growling Lion based on the Safari 5.1 downloads window.

Two weeks ago, we covered Mono, a popular Growl theme that’s been updated to work on Lion. Inspired by the work of Christopher Lobay on Mono and Lion’s light color scheme in Quick Look and Aqua popovers, GrowlingLion is a new Growl theme by Andreas Heiberg that works on Lion and the latest release of Growl (before the app goes Mac App Store-only with version 1.3). I’ve installed the theme and I really like it, although I’d like it to have a bigger font.

You can download GrowlingLion here.