Apple has today aired its first new commercial of 2013: called “Dream” it features the Williams sisters playing table tennis with the main character. As with the previous iPhone 5 ads, the commercial features voiceover by Jeff Daniels. In the ad, Apple explains that with iOS’ Do Not Disturb your iPhone won’t ring (thus waking the character from his dream) unless it’s really important (Apple shows Do Not Disturb’s “allow from Favorites” setting).
Ever have a really cool dream? I’m having one right now. I don’t want to be disturbed; and I won’t, because before I went to sleep, I set this. Now my iPhone knows not to ring, unless it’s important. ‘Cause disturbing this would just be…wrong.
In a somewhat surprisingly unfortunate turn of events, several users reported today having issues with Do Not Disturb on the first day of the new year, with the feature not turning itself off automatically in the morning.
Apple has uploaded the commercial to its YouTube channel. You can check out the video below.