This is a story that gets old real quick. A news journalist hears the feds are out to investigate Apple because they’re bullying the music industry. The story gets posted and the media goes crazy with it. We hear rumors of an investigation with no real action.
In the meantime Apple changes their developer agreement and has some fun blocking AdMob. The feds get interested again (this time in advertising), and thus starts another lifeless cycle. “Lifeless,” being the keyword here.
As Fortune points out:
“But a ‘plan to investigate’ – either at the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Justice – has lost some of its sting these days. Many of these reported plans have gone nowhere. And even if the government does start a formal investigation – as it did last year after Google announced its plans to buy AdMob – that doesn’t mean the case will ever come to court.”
That pretty much sums up where this is going to go. It’ll never even formulate. But at least for Google’s sake, they have competition now.
[via Fortune]