As the rumors correctly suggested, Apple has just launched a new Time Capsule model with 3 TB of storage. At the moment of writing this a press release isn’t out yet and the Apple website seems to be going under an update, and from what we can see right now there’s no mention of additional caching capabilities for software updates or iCloud integration.
The Time Capsule retains the same 802.11n wireless features of the previous models with simultaneous dual-band operation and Mac / PC compatibility. The device now comes in 2 TB and 3 TB configurations and Apple’s product page states it “starts at $299”, though the retail website hasn’t been updated yet with the new models’ pricing.
The AirPort Extreme, also rumored for an update, doesn’t look like will be getting a refresh today.
Update: The new Time Capsule models are now available on the Apple online Store. The 2 TB version is priced at $299, whilst the new 3 TB one is available at $499. From the search results: