Automatic, a smart driving assistant that plugs into a car’s diagnostics port to present driving data and statistics on a mobile app, announced a partnership with accessory maker Jawbone today aimed at integrating Automatic data with the company’s UP fitness band.
We first covered Automatic when it was announced in March 2013 and, in our review, we noted that “what companies like Nest are doing for the home, Automatic is trying to do the for the car”. By partnering with Jawbone, Automatic wants to combine statistics about driving patterns with data captured and contextualized by the UP band, providing insight about how driving habits may influence a person’s mood, or how the daily step goal of the UP band could have been met by walking instead of driving.
If you’ve got Automatic and a Jawbone UP band, your drives can now appear in the UP app along with your physical activity. Miss your target step count for the day? Maybe it was because you spent more time than usual in the car. Tap on a drive and see how many steps you could have logged if you’d walked instead.
The integration will work on both iOS and Android, and data from the Automatic device will be automatically sent to the Jawbone UP app for users who decide to enable the feature. Driving and walking information will be displayed in a unified interface, with the possibility of sharing Automatic trip summaries with friends who own an UP band.
To enable the UP + Automatic integration, owners of the Jawbone UP band can add Automatic from the built-in Gallery section of the app. The Automatic driving assistant is available online for $99.95.