Tweetbot 3.4, released today on the App Store, adds support for viewing and posting multiple Twitter images, a play icon for Instagram video thumbnails, and enhancements to tweet detail views.
Twitter rolled out the ability to post multiple images in a tweet in March, promising that the feature would also be available to third-party developers.
In Tweetbot 3.4, multiple images can be viewed by swiping on a tweet that contains multiple attachments in the detail view as well as the full-screen image preview. When composing tweet, you can attach multiple images (up to four) simply by adding them to a tweet, and they will show up as a stack of photos in the compose box. You can tap the stack to reveal all the photos you’re including in a tweet, tapping on a single one to get a bigger preview and a remove button. The implementation is easy to use and well done; if I had to nitpick, I’d say that it would be nice to select four images from the image library at once, without having to perform the action four times.
Until Twitter enables the feature, however, multiple photos won’t show up in search or a streaming timeline – which is the reason why you won’t see an indicator for multiple photos until you open an individual tweet.
A minor change that I like is the possibility of viewing corresponding tweets for recent images from a Twitter user. On a user’s profile view, tap an image, and Tweetbot will show the tweet that contained that photo, allowing you to reopen the tweet. This was one of the points that I brought up in my original review of Tweetbot 3, and I’m glad that it’s been added.
Similarly, a longstanding annoyance of Tweetbot’s media previews has been fixed, as now you’ll no longer accidentally tap on Instagram thumbnails that turn out to be videos thanks to a proper video indicator.
Tweetbot 3.4 is available on the App Store.