What could Apple buy with a 150 million dollars? World peace probably, though that’s pretty overrated in my book. Apple is rumored to be intent on sealing the deal with a Chinese game developer by the name of Handseeing Information Technology, who specialize in Rich Internet Applications.
As US-based Apple Inc. is close to making the purchase of Handseeing Information Technology Co., Ltd., a mobile Internet service provider and a mobile game developer in China, for as much as USD 150 billion [sic], the emergence of more potential buyers has added to the uncertainty of the deal.
Apple’s plan to take over the Chinese company underscores its mounting interests in China’s potentially huge mobile Internet sector, which has been basically ignored by it for a long time.
Apple isn’t planning to take on Microsoft or Nintendo here; I doubt we’ll see an aluminum gaming machine from the boys in Cupertino. Hell, they don’t even update their Texas Hold’em app. If Apple purchases this company, I’m guessing it’d be for this: a 2008 patent looks to improve the experience of online shopping via a 3D virtual Apple Store. It’s the first thing that came to mind when I heard about this, and Apple’s plans would fit in with the company’s background.
[TradingMarkets.com via MacRumors]