The United Kingdom’s Leeds University is ‘giving’ Apple iPhone 3GSs to its fourth and fifth-year medical students in a new educational initiative. The University’s press release published the message that ‘Generation Y’ student doctors are skipping textbooks for iPhones.
“This will be the first time that a UK medical school has provided undergraduates with all the tools they need to study off-campus via mobile phone technology,” the release claims. Over 500 medical students will be loaned a 16GB iPhone 3GS for the remainder of their undergrad term in Medicine at Leeds. “Copies of key medical textbooks and reference works, including up-to-date guidelines on administering prescription drugs, will be distributed as iPhone apps. There will be a range of other relevant medical apps that can be downloaded for free or a small fee.
Students will also get unlimited mobile broadband from O2 on their iPhones as part of the loan deal, with phone and text functions available to them on a pay-as-you-go basis.
[via TechRadar]