Please welcome another great post from Matteo Parollo, who had the chance to test for Mac.
Here are his thoughts about it.
Enjoy ;)
Layers is just a dream which comes true. It has just one and powerful feature: it grabs and saves screenshots as completed-layered Photoshop PSD files.
The options aren’t too many, you can choose the image format, the image kind (which, when not set as “layered” puts the application’s utility completely in doubt) and where images have to go after being grabbed.
The output is simply perfect and *magic*. It is a real layered PSD and, by the way, layers are nearly too many! Every application is grabbed as layer, every menubar icon is grabbed as layer, as well as the entire menubar, the dock and the wallpaper.
Obviously, the funniest thing you can do once in Photoshop is to select and move every application (I mean: its level) and watch that the result is stunning: noone could relalize that Photoshop has even been used.
But let this video talk in my place.
Another feature, although we can find in other grabbing apps like LittleSnapper is the WebShot: an unique and “long” screenshot of a complete web page, just like Safari would have displayed it: pretty useless, in my opinion.
Finally, I could comment this “funny and strange application” as a nice freeware piece of software, but, wait a second, it is not freeware.