If you’re a designer that occasionally gets a hard-on for accentuated rounded curves in the letter G, or an iOS developer eyeballs deep in PDF documents detailing the available fonts on the iPad, get yourself a copy of Typo Base HD.
Helvetica is as elusive to me as Comic-Sans when it comes to defensive nerd designer rage, but I have a hunch these particular fonts are hardly definitive choices in your revolutionary comic design. After all, if minor details such as cap-height and the descender are to be analyzed by a professional, they’ll need the right tools to inspect those Websafe iPad fonts with a flick of the fingers. Typo Base HD is a font lover’s dream, giving designers the ability to select fonts, produce example paragraphs, replace web-fonts on their favorite websites, and examine the associated glyphs in landscape and portrait positions. Compare fonts, bookmark others, and change font size with an intuitive interface. Even non-typography nuts like me can learn a thing or two by simply playing around with the various text-producing options.
Bundled in an accessible interface, Typo Base HD would become more useful if customers could import their own font libraries. With websites like TypeKit making it easy for designers to select from a bevy of un-standard eye popping designs, of course I want to be able to load my six hundred dollars worth of Adobe fonts into a stretchy interface. (Who doesn’t love Myriad Pro?). Despite this letdown, the five dollars spent gives one the opportunity to access MarkerFelt-Wide in high definition. Much love.
Typo Base HD is available on the iTunes Store for a wee five dollars.