TellMeLater is an extremely useful utility for the iPhone to remind you of those routine things that always slip your mind but that you don’t want cluttering your to do app. Not only it’s an extremely simple app to use it also looks beautiful on the Retina Display.
If you ever think of anything you need to do like “water the plants”, “find car keys”, “put on pants” that immediately slips your mind as you finish doing something else with just a few taps you can add it to TellMeLater and get reminded by a local notification on your iPhone (no internet connection needed), an email or a Direct Message on Twitter. Or all three if you’re that much of a scatter-brain.
A very useful feature of TellMeLater is that you can quickly reprogram a reminder. Say you get a notification telling you to make that call you didn’t want to forget but you’re still finishing making dinner. You just set up TellMeLater to remind you again in 10 min, an hour or any other timeframe you choose and go on with what you were doing with the reassurance that you’ll soon get an alert with what you need to do.
You can also easily edit or delete your pending and past reminders. If you want to reuse a past reminder you just need to set up the new time to be notified, so it’s even simpler to set up an alert for anything that you routinely forget.
While I love how the app works so far even better would be if we could also set up reminders to repeat every day, every week, etc. Being able to reprogram our past reminders is really nice but it’s not that useful for something that you need to do daily like watering the plants for example. Hopefully this feature will be added in a future update.
If you’re anything like me (with terrible short term memory and easily distracted) TellMeLater is a great app to make sure you never forget anything again. At just $0.99 in the App Store you’ll be glad you got it.