Dropbox is a great service: it allows users to keep everything (yes, everything) in sync between multiple devices. I daily use Dropbox in my workflow to backup my Yojimbo library and share stuff with my friends and co-workers, and I’m very satisfied. If you’re new to Dropbox, you can signup with this referrall link and, besides testing the service, you’ll make me earn 250 extra MB. (and I will thank you in one way or another)
Anyway, there are many creative yet less known uses for Dropbox. In this roundup I’ve collected the best I found around the web, but if you know more please share them in the comments!
Enjoy ;)
Use Dropbox to Create a Yojimbo iPhone App
Syncing Things between several Macs using Dropbox
Syncing Journler Across Two Macs With Dropbox
HOW-TO: Multiple Dropbox instances on Mac OS X
Dropbox and Leap Sitting in a Tree
Dropbox and iPhoto — The Better Way to Sync Across Macs
Use Dropbox to Share Your iTunes Library
Syncing EventBox using Dropbox
Awesome OSX Software: Getting the Most Out of Dropbox With Soft Links
Keep Your Address Book in Sync with Dropbox (Mac OS X)
5 cool things to sync with Dropbox on your Mac
Create GrabUp-style functionality with Dropbox and Jing