“Apple Doesn’t Understand The Internet”

“Apple Doesn’t Understand The Internet”

Nadav Savio on the differences between Google and Apple:

It’s been said that Google doesn’t get ‘social’ and, though I think that is vastly overstated, there is truth there. Similarly, I’d say that Apple doesn’t understand the internet. Well I have a simple theory about it. There’s a cliché that everyone’s greatest strength is also their greatest weakness, and I believe that applies as well to organizations as to people.

Take Apple. They make amazing, holistic products and services and one of their primary tools is control. Fanatical, centralized control. Control over the design, over the hardware, over the experience. And that’s exactly the opposite of the internet, which is about decentralization and messy, unfiltered chaos.

It sounds good in theory, but the more I think about it, the more I don’t get the connection between the Internet and Apple as a company. Apple is not a web company. They make hardware and the software that runs on it. They make money out of hardware that, yes, is connected to the Internet. But the Internet as a service, not as a “population”. So where’s the line between “Apple doesn’t understand” and “unfiltered chaos”?

Maybe Apple doesn’t understand the people on the Internet, or they simply don’t care enough.