They say you can tell the success of a franchise from the number of additional material, gadgets, toys and extra stuff it generates besides the main line of products. Angry Birds is the perfect example: it started as an iPhone app, then it landed on the iPad, Android, home consoles. Then Rovio outsourced the production of plush toys, cellphone and tablet cases, made a deal with Universal for a movie tie-in (that’s actually well done) and there are thousands of fans worldwide coming up with the craziest Angry Birds-related creations every day. Like cakes and LEGO. The next step, the discovery of a fake movie trailer on Youtube, doesn’t come as a surprise at all at this point.
The video is embedded below, and it’s somewhat disturbing. If only because it feels “real”, with the “government” studying the behavior of the birds in secret labs and the main character feeling bad about fighting pigs but killing the birds in the process.
Totally crazy. Oh, and it’s directed by Michael Bay! Check it out below. [via The Next Web]