In taking a look at the lawsuit Apple filed against Samsung over the Galaxy series “look and feel”, Nilay Patel at ThisIsMyNext uncovered some interesting details and numbers behind Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPd touch sales that weren’t previously revealed by the company.
First off, Apple says in the “background” section of the lawsuit that over 60 million iPod touches have been sold since the device originally went on sale in 2007. These numbers are noteworthy as the company never officially disclosed iPod touch sales to the public, leading to speculation amongst bloggers and analysts about the actual profit and numbers generated by the iPod touch line. It was rumored last year that roughly 45 million iPod touches had been sold, and this note from Apple seems to confirm previous rumors that suggested the iPod touch was selling around 15 million units per year with a huge popularity in 2008.
Also in 2007, Apple launched the iPod touch, a digital music player. The iPod touch incorporated the distinct style of the iPhone and also became an immediate success. By March 2011, Apple had sold over 60 million units
In the same section, Apple goes on to celebrate the success of the iPhone and iPad among average users and mainstream media, as well as detailing how the iPhone revolutionized the communication industry. Apple says 19 million iPads were sold “by March 2011” – if you consider Apple announced they sold 15 million iPads from April to December 2010, that implies the company should have sold between 4 and 5 million tablets in Q2 2011, and we’ll know more about this tomorrow. Similarly, Apple says 108 million iPhones were sold as of March 2011. Steve Jobs said on stage at the iPad 2 event on March 2 that the 100 millionth iPhone had been sold the week before. Many are already speculating Apple might have sold nearly 20 million iPhones in Q2 2011, also thanks to the release of the Verizon iPhone that could have boosted sales in the United States.
No computer product that preceded the iPad looked like the iPad, but its design did resemble other Apple products—namely, the iPhone and the iPod touch, thereby extending the unique and innovative Apple design and trade dress to a new product—tablet computers. In its first 80 days on the market, Apple sold 3 million iPad units. By March 2011, Apple sold over 19 million iPads.
One last interesting tidbit from the lawsuit: Apple spent more than $2 billion in advertising the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad during fiscal years 2007-2010. You can read the entire document here.
Apple’s advertising expenditures for these products for fiscal years 2007-2010 were in excess of $2 billion.