Erica Sadun, author of the great AirPlay hack BananaTV has come out with a new beta application; BananaTunes. Taking advantage of the recent reverse engineering of AirPlay it will allow you to transmit full stereo music from an AirPlay enabled iOS device to any Mac running BananaTunes.
Previously AirPlay hacks such as BananaTV or AirFlick and AirTuner only expanded upon the video side of AirPlay but thanks to that reverse engineering magic we can now stream music too. TUAW reported mixed results with BananaTunes (it is beta after all) with it working fine with their iPad 2 but having some issues with an iPhone 4. I personally had no issues using both my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 in playing music to my Mac through BananaTV, except a few initial seconds of stuttering that soon disappeared.
Ultimately Erica plans to merge the BananaTuner functionality into the BananaTV software, but for now you can download these two zip files (or this all-in-one installer) to try it out, but be warned it requires OS X 10.6 and only runs as a 64-bit application.
[Via TUAW]