Yesterday in the US District Court in Arizona, iCloud Communications, LLC filed a suit against Apple for trademark infringement over the name iCloud.
iCloud Communications, LLC, claims that Apple’s new promotions of all things iCloud is damaging (seriously?) to iCloud Communications’ business. They also believe that Apple has taken their own name branding and associated it with Apple’s own (well, maybe). They are accusing Apple of offering services similar to the ones that they offer.
They have even brought up instances in the past of Apple’s other branding infringements such as the Mighty mouse, McIntosh Labs and The Beatles. iCloud Communications also wants Apple to stop using the iCloud name and to “deliver for destruction all labels, signs, prints, insignia, letterhead, brochures, business cards, invoices and any other written or recorded material.”
We have embedded the front page of the suit, but to see the entire 16 page document, head over to The Next Web.
[via The Next Web]