Iconlicious.com, the joint venture of the graphic designers Marcelo Marfil and Emanuel Sà (I interviewed both, here and here), is finally online and public.
As you can read in the About page of the website “Iconlicious has worked in the past years with companies such as AppZapper, Bohemian Coding, Droplr, Embraceware, Phantom Fish, Sophiestication, Taptivate and Vemedio”, developers of the most beautiful apps I’ve ever reviewed on MacStories.
Iconlicious features some amazing freebies ready to download, a sneak preview of an upcoming app by BohemianCoding (which is gonna be great) and a giveaway of software to celebrate the official launch. Just head over the giveaway page and follow the rules.
Congratulations Iconlicious, we’re looking forward to your future works.