One Week App has finally launched. With OWA Sahil Lavingia, well known iPhone developer of Color Stream (our review) and Twizzle, aims at creating a fully functional and working iPhone app in just 7 days. The app has already a name, it will be called “Dayta” (day + data) and it will be a data management application.
From the official website:
“Your weight, your kill-to-death ratio in a first-person shooter, your daily intake of water (eight glasses a day, they say!), or your daily workout which you must… not… missed, again. There are individual apps for all of these things. But why? Think about this: tracking your weight is recording down a single number, daily. So is your kill-to-death ratio. So is your daily intake of water. So is whether or not you go to the gym today (either a 0 or a 1). If you reduce activities down to the numbers that represent them, it’s easy to see that one app can manage them all.
Meet Dayta.”
The concept is really interesting, and Sahil is continuously posting status updates on the OWA blog. These include sketches, early mockups and videos.Be sure to follow, give him suggestions and feedback and keep an eye during the week.