Dropbox isn’t just a folder, and you can maximize its potential to simplify your work and personal life.
The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide was created to help the modern knowledge worker who wants to make their digital life more organized and efficient. The guide is a comprehensive look to power-using Dropbox, whether you’re just setting up your Dropbox account or already think you’re a pro.
Sample topics include: Comprehensive walk-throughs for photo sharing; best practices for organizing your folders and documents; keeping your files secure; and automating tasks using IFTTT.
Complimentary bonus products include a handy keyboard-shortcut reference page, 15 Tips and Tricks for Families, and Photosharing Guides for you and a beginning photo guide to giv eaway to your less-savvy family members who still want to see photos of your kids.
For more information and to preview free samples, check out The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide’s website here.
Our thanks to The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide for sponsoring MacStories this week.