Two days ago we previewed DashApp for iPad, an upcoming application that should enable you to view multiple websites at once, as if they’re widgets. Turns out there’s a similar application already approved by Apple, it’s called “Sites” and it’s got a lot of features that could make it the worst enemy of DashApp.
With Sites you can open multiple web pages at once (I’d say up to three), resize windows, activate an Exposè-like function to view all these pages at once without having to drag them around, use Google’s live suggestion. From the App Store description:
“Website windows in Sites are extremely easy to move around and resize, and have very intuitive, minimal controls, to make your browsing experience more simple, efficient and hassle-free.
By typing into a single unified search bar, Sites lets you check Google’s live search suggestions, search through your bookmarks and recent sites/searches all in one smart suggestion list.
Feel free to change the behavior of certain common (and easily convenient) actions, such as double-tapping the background, to perform the right task for making your browsing experience even more instantaneous.
With a simple tap of a button, the Exhibit feature lets you see all of your open websites at the same time, and very easily switch between different sites instantly. That’s not the only way to access this greatly convenient feature; inside the settings page, even more options are available for how to use the Exhibit feature of Sites.”
I still don’t know whether this kind of applications might be any useful in my workflow, as I’m not really convinced about the convenience of having 3 small pages open at once. Time will tell (together with a real device in hands) and in the meantime, you can take a look at the screenshots below.