Generally, I feel like I’m a pretty good texter. When I receive a message, I’m quick to respond and make sure that the important texts always take priority.
But for many people, managing texts along with countless other notifications on their phones is a tricky task. To help remind you to text back your loved one or coworker, there’s TxtBck, an iMessage app that I’ve been playing with for a few days.
To set up a reminder with TxtBck:
- Copy the text you’d like to be reminded about
- Open TxtBck in iMessage
- Tap “Paste Text”
- Choose “More…”
- Fill in the contact name and select a time or location to be reminded
- Select an optional category to file the text
- Tap “Done” (Note: Tapping “Done” a second time will delete the saved text, so only do that once you’ve responded to the message!
Once you complete those steps, you’ll receive a notification based on your criteria that will detail the message and who you are responding to. Tapping into that notification won’t take you into iMessage, unfortunately, but rather to non-iMessage TxtBack app. To view all saved messages, you can open the app as well.
From my experience, TxtBck offers a fluid experience that is much quicker than heading into Reminders, typing in instructions to text your subject back, and then continuing on. It’s also great for reminders that someone may assign to you, like picking up something at the store or calling them back at a certain time.
If you’d like to give TxtBck a try, you can pick it up in the App Store for $0.99 (Universal).