YouTube is a huge productivity killer. Seriously, there’s no place like YouTube if you want to spend some time browsing videos and listen to your favorite artists, but problem is - those “15 minutes a day” always become 2 hours of wasted work. Unless you use some software like Concentrate, I guess it happened to you as well.
Most of the time though, it’s hard to find videos you really care about: you usually start from a silly Steve Jobs parody and then somehow end up watching a 1984 interview, but what if you could start from videos you know you’re interested in the first place?
Dejaplay for iPad aims at being your ultimate video aggregator by selecting videos shared by your Twitter and Facebook contacts.
The concept is simple: you grant Dejaplay permission to access your social stream and wait for it to aggregate in a few seconds videos from Youtube. After that, it’s all watch and wait for new videos to come in. The application took a few seconds to retrieve 150 videos under my wifi connection, and overall performances are pretty good. While the idea is great, and I really find videos I care about with it, I wish the app allowed me to interact with them like I can do on Youtube: I want to be able to like videos, mark them as favorites, share them from the app itself. Perhaps it’s coming with an update.
Dejaplay is free and does exactly what it’s meant to do. Sure it could have more options, but right now it’s a good idea that has to be developed further. [iTunes Link]