So how much does an iPhone 4 really cost? Market research firm iSuppli suggests that it’s as little as $187.51.
The retina display alone costs $28.50, which is presumed to be developed by LG. But that A4 processor from Samsung? Only $10.75 for that 1 GHz goodness. The new gyroscope is estimated to be around $2.60 (courtesy of STMicroelectronics), with the accelerometer costing only a measly 65 cents to produce.
All of the important pieces inside the new iPhone really don’t cost too much, and suppliers refused to comment on their participation and pricing for Apple’s device. The iPhone 4, however, is Apple’s most expensive model yet, costing roughly ten dollars more than the iPhone 3GS (which could be produced at around $179 when it first launched).
[iSuppli via BusinessWeek via MobileCrunch]