As Mac gaming took a turn for the better with the introduction of Steam and their fantastic offering of games such as Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, and Team Fortress, Valve’s feeling the love for our underrated gaming machines. As PC gamers sporting only the coolest of liquid-fueled rigs shake their heads in disbelief, Valve developers are having some heart for us aluminum junkies by sharing their developments with the rest of the gaming community. Joystiq writes,
Business development director Jason Holtman told that Valve will release some code to developers signed on with the company’s Steamworks infrastructure, in order to expedite the development of Mac games (and thus speed up the population of Steam). “So our Steamworks partners will have access to some of the hard work that we do to get our games up on Mac,” Holtman said, “and they’ll be able to incorporate that into their games – and our hope is it gets them there faster.”
Though now that we have Starcraft II, I can’t see anyone wishing for anything more mind numbing than blowing up Zerg scourge anytime soon.