“There’s an app for that.”
I’m just going to say that there’s an accessory for that. There are hundreds of thousands of applications for the iPhone, but don’t understimate the avaiability of custom accessories for it. Just head over store.apple.com to see by yourself. Still, the cool & geek stuff reside in modders’ minds. Those very brave people who don’t care about limits and hardware limitations and create stuff like a Macbook Air under an Apple keyboard.
Now we have an iPhone 4 telescope.
Basically, this guy wanted to shoot some beautiful pictures of our beloved moon and decided to use an iPhone 4, paired with a small telescope. The result are pretty impressive, as seen in the photos below.
As for the tech specs:
“I used Borg’s Pencil Borg(175mm/F7) telescope and Vixen’s LV5mm eyepiece.
In the case, 35x telescopic image was shown by the system. I tried to see the moon to test it.
I used sharpness filter for the image, but it contain enough resolution to see the moon’s cratered details.”
Telling you that I’d like to try this would be an understatement.