Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

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Erica Sadun Releases AirFlick for OS X: AirPlay Just About Anything

Wouldn’t your new Apple TV be much more enjoyable if you could beam Internet videos to it? One of our favorite fangirls over at TUAW, Erica Sadun, has just announced AirFlick (an alpha build) for OS X. Having previously released the awesome and MacStories approved AirPlayer (which allows you to play AirPlay content on your Mac), AirFlick allows  you to drop files and URLs to play the content on your ATV 2. Can you say, “awesome!?” We’ll have an in depth review of AirFlick later, but in the meantime you can read the full release notes and download the application over at TUAW. You can also follow Erica on Twitter @ericasadun, where you may find recent tweets related to the progress of AirFlick and her related AirPlay hacks. Be sure to send her a warm thanks for all of her hard work!

MacPaw Teases Ensoul For Mac App Store

You might know MacPaw as the genius band of Mac savvy gurus who develop CleanMyMac and MacHider. The well known developers have introduced a fantastic teaser website and video showcasing a special project for the Mac App Store that’s going to bring a little soul to your iPhone. Details are sparse, but we’re pretty stoked after watching that gorgeous video a few times over. Heads up though, MacPaw is giving away a free copy of the app to every 100th person who subscribes to receives updates on the status of this yet unknown application. Give it a shot, and let us know what you think Ensoul could be in the comments below.

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Invaders Corruption Mutates Invaders With Geometry Wars

I like to hunt down different indie games that fulfill the ever growing desire to feast my eyes on well made, yet simple titles that are available on a variety of platforms so that even our Windows readers can take part in all the fun. But mostly I’m just looking for some casual pixel love for my midnight Mac gaming cravings. Last week I came across Invader Corruption, where a unique name creates an individual gaming experience so that no two games are quite the same. What starts off as a boring and possibly mundane shooter ends up being compelling and totally addictive. Shoot past the break to learn more about this frantic free title.

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Airfoil 4 Streamlines Audio, Video Experience

Apple may have introduced AirPlay, but that doesn’t mean Rogue Amoeba is out of the game. In fact, AirPlay is rather limited unless you enjoy hacking your way out of a paper bag, and by no means can it expand its territory outside of iTunes. If you ever wanted to sit back on the couch and watch CNET TV on your 27” Cinema Display through your iPod’s headphones, you’re out of luck. But with Airfoil, streaming audio anywhere allows one to achieve a state of wireless bliss.

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Disk Drill Is An Amazingly Simple Recovery App For HDDs

When we lose deleted files on our hard drives we tend to think of this information as unrecoverable. On a Wednesday afternoon it’s easy to forget that those nightly cleanup scripts aren’t going to do you any favors when you’re looking to reuse some stock images for an updated web template. And those deleted music files? It turns out that you liked that dirty ol’ garage band after all. In times of panic we resort to Google and often extreme utilities to scrounge our Macs for every last bit of recoverable data possible before sifting through the garbage of unreadable file names and Quick Look previews. We not only advise that you read John Gruber’s advice on the matter and keep consistent backups, but we’ve reviewed a brand new Mac utility that’s not only free during beta, it’s really (really) slick.

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Now This Is An iPod nano Wristband

I try not to rehash the day’s explosive nature of unhinging Gizmodo news, but perhaps you’re still upset over that whole iPhone 4 thing or maybe their recent security breach. But thank heavens someone somewhere has finally unveiled an iPod nano wristband that’s actually decent. I say decent not because those other rubbery straps aren’t nice, but because really - the last thing I want on my wrist is an iPod nano and a synthetic band. At least try to class it up instead of looking like you bought something out of a slot machine.

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