Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

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Apple to Hold iPod Media Event Early?

Mac Magazine claims they’ve got the sources in Cupertino that points towards an August 16th or 17th media event to unveil Apple’s brand new line of iPods.

We have an idea of what the next generation iPod touch might look like, sporting a front facing camera and possibly a rear cam as well, though we’re not sure what the next iterations of the iPod nano or iPod shuffle might bring. It’s rumored that the shuffle might be getting a very tiny display, but then it wouldn’t be the absolute minimal shuffle we know and love (I might be the only one who actually liked the 3rd-gen shuffle).

I’d like to see a quick announcement of a new iLife at the event, and being a Verizon subscriber, you already know I’m on board for the next iPod touch. It only takes a couple of days for Apple to set up shop (likely at the Yerba Buena Center) for these events, so we’ll see if these rumors hold true or not.

Also, if Apple is provide a major update to the iPod shuffle, I would be excited to see something along the lines of Fitbit meets Nike+ in a portable package you’d wear all day. Wouldn’t that be cool?

[Mac Magazine via Cult of Mac]

SVP of Devices Hardware Engineering Mark Papermaster Leaves Apple

We begin tonight with a bit of breaking news that we’re sure you’ve all heard about by now: Mark Papermaster, the controversially IBM figure that signed onto the Apple crew back in 2008, has left his position as the overseer of Apple’s mobile devices. The New York Times reports that Papermaster oversaw projects related to the iPhone 4 including the A4 chip and the Retina Display. Though it wasn’t specifically mentioned whether Papermaster was fired or encourage to step down from his position, John Gruber chimed in with a quick comment.

Inside Apple, he’s “the guy responsible for the antenna” - that’s a quote from a source back on July 23. (Another quote from the same source: “Apparently the antenna guys used to have a big chip on their shoulder. No more.”)

Gruber made it clear that Papermaster was axed, and I’m hopefull he’ll have some more to say in the near future. In the meantime, SVP of Macintosh Hardware Engineering Bob Mansfield will take over Papermaster’s role as the company moves forward.

[via New York Times & Daring Fireball]

Beatles Still not Coming to iTunes

I wouldn’t put it past you if you were to argue that the Beatles would be an instant hit on iTunes. Though it’s not likely to happen soon, or ever for that matter. It was speculated that the Beatles may join the iTunes crew during last year’s iPod unveiling, but that didn’t happen. And it still hasn’t, despite the band’s advances in the digital age. Quoting 9 to 5 Mac:

“(Apple CEO) Steve Jobs has his own idea and he’s a brilliant guy,” Ono, the 77-year-old widow of John Lennon, told Reuters. “There’s just an element that we’re not very happy about, as people. We are holding out.

Yoko teased us last year with a claim – later deleted – that music from the band would reach iTunes. She’s not teasing anymore, saying, “Don’t hold your breath … for anything.”

[ABC News via 9 to 5 Mac]

The iPad App Store gets its own Genius

If your iPad has been collecting dust on the bookshelf, you may want to visit the App Store to check out a new Genius tab. If your iPad app collection is looking a little slim, maybe you’ll find something relevant to your interests – the Genius tab is being slowly rolled out as a completely new in addition to items like Featured or Top Sites, so keep an eye out for this “brilliant” update and be sure to let us know if you actually find Genius useful.

[(Posterous) via AppAdvice]

WaterField Helps you Take Tender Care of that Magic Trackpad

I’m not certain why you’d want to carry a Magic Trackpad around with you since the MacBook has one built in, but we won’t judge if you’re using two hands with two trackpads for double the precision. (Is that even possible?) Being the careful gadget nerds we are, we’re always looking to sheath our trusty peripherals. WaterField has a couple of neat sleeves that’ll not only keep your Magic Trackpad warm and cozy, it’ll also protect your device from any unfortunate water-bottle spillage as you bike down crazy street with your man bag.

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