Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

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Apple Hiring To Work on Revolutionary OS X Feature

We don’t know what the Mac OS X gang is working on down at Cupertino, but they’re looking to hire a young expert (maybe such as yourselves) who have lots of experience in the Objective-C, HTTP Protocols, and everything else on top of that. If you’re thinking cloud computing, you’ve read my mind.

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Are We Apple Fans of Faith?

Heidi A. Campell and Antonio C. La Pastina from Texas A&M must be die-hard Microsoft fanboys. Give their research to FOX News, and they’ll transform a study on the idolization of technology into something earth shattering.

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Walt Mossberg’s Six Week Rundown of the iPhone 4

I don’t know why a report like this is still necessary, but Mossberg has written a short article on the performance of his iPhone 4 over the course of six weeks out in the real-world. It doesn’t reveal anything we don’t already know between reception and the dead spot, though I decided to pull this particular piece out as it’s something that’s not often taken into consideration when discussing Apple’s design.

A key reason Apple moved most of the antenna to the outside of the phone was to free up room inside for a larger battery, while keeping the phone thin. In my six weeks of experience, the battery life has been outstanding. I have never run out of battery in a day’s use, despite constant, heavy email traffic, lots of Web surfing and app usage, and frequent checking of social networks.

[via The Wall Street Journal]

27-inch iMac Disassembly Reveals Difficult Second SSD Install

You’re interested in a 27-inch iMac, but you’d rather fare for that additional solid state drive from a third party manufacturer in hopes to save money and gain performance speeds. Well hold your horses there Mac guy, we’ve got some disappointing news you’d be interested to hear regarding that bullet proof plan of yours.

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Must Have Safari 5.0.1 Extensions

Once you’ve rebooted your Mac into a state of 5.0.1 bliss, you’ve probably navigated to to download some of the hottest upgrades available for your speedy browser. Simple one click installs can immediately enhance your online experience, but for those unwilling to download every extension known to Apple, we’ve got a few recommendations.

Don’t forget! Apple’s official gallery is quite small at the moment, so you may want to browse through the official unofficial list at

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