Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

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Find the Perfect iPhone Case with iPhoneCaseFinder

So you’ve got the iPhone 4 bumper blues. Here you have this gorgeous piece of glass and aluminum, and while Apple is generous in offering owners a plastic bumber, the iPhone deserves something a bit more respectful. Say, something velvet with a class of personality akin to your own chic geek.

From the guys who launched iPadCaseFinder, iPhoneCaseFinder is your one stop shop for all shapes and sizes to caress your iPhone 4. An excellent resource for picky purchasers such as myself, you can filter results, view great screenshots, and get a quick purchase link if one suits your fancy. The collection is always growing, and if you’d like to help out, be sure to share your findings via iPhoneCaseFinder’s contact link.

White iPhone 4 Delays Might Not be Because of Color

As the white iPhone 4 continues to be delayed, the next big Apple question is, “What could possibly go wrong with the same exact phone that’s just a different color?” That’s the million dollar question (or if you’re Apple: answer) that’s yet to be unveiled. I still think Apple is being a little too picky over their pretty white coats, and it could be too that if Apple and suppliers are struggling to meet demand with black iPhones, they’ve decided not to focus on white ones. Some suggest that Apple may release an exclusive white iPhone on Verizon as rumors get louder, but that would be too shady.

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Safari 5.0.1 Addresses AutoFill Security Vulnerability

If you haven’t updated to Safari 5.0.1 yet for Safari Extensions, maybe you should to address a recent security vulnerability? MacRumors reports that the latest update addresses a critical flaw that could allow malicious sites to gather Address Book information. According to Apple,

Safari’s AutoFill feature can automatically fill out web forms using designated information in your Mac OS X Address Book, Outlook, or Windows Address Book.  By design, user action is required for AutoFill to operate within a web form. An implementation issue exists that allows a maliciously crafted website to trigger AutoFill without user interaction.

For more information regarding the security content of Safari, be sure to check out Apple’s official document here:

[via MacRumors]

Apple Releases Safari 5.0.1, Launches Safari Extensions Gallery

Yesterday, we got to play with a slew of new iMacs, a new Magic Trackpad, and a six pack of Apple rechargeable batteries. New devices in hand, you may want to navigate over to your nearest Software Update. Not only might you have  a new gesture in store, as of this morning, you can get an update to Safari v 5.0.1.

On top of that, Apple has launched their latest Safari Extensions Gallery which is chock full of awesome new software. If you visit in a non-Safari or outdated browser, you’ll get a basic info page. Once updated, you’ll be received with a warming welcome and new toys to play with via plentiful download links. Check out the PR after the break.

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Steve Jobs Fourth Best-Paid Executive in the World

For a guy who only makes a $1 a year at Apple, he’s doing pretty good. The man’s worth approximately $759 million.

Apple’s Mr. Jobs also took a $1 annual salary throughout the decade. But he ranked fourth primarily because of a $647 million gain on restricted stock that was granted in 2003 and vested in 2006. He still holds the shares.

Apple directors gave Mr. Jobs the restricted stock in exchange for stock options that were then worthless, but which ultimately would have been worth more than the restricted stock had Mr. Jobs held them. Apple later acknowledged that some of the options exchanged for the restricted shares had been backdated, boosting their value, and restated its financial results. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.

[via The Wall Street Journal: Business]