Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

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DIY Project: Build your own iPad Case

So Amazon is full of leather iPad cases that fail to impress, and you haven’t been able to find anything personal enough to call “yours.” But if you have some bamboo lying around (because everybody has that), an old coat you’re about to throw away, and some carpenter tools and supplies, you can roll your own.

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37signals Buys Ember iPhone App, Makes it Free

Ember is a great Campfire application Federico and I occasionally use when we’re mobile. Jason Fried must have thought it was so great, it was worth buying the app from Overcommitted, then making it available for free on the iTunes App Store.

You can download the Campfire app (renamed) at this link. If you have a Campfire client and you’re interested in the mobile app, you can read our original review of Ember here.

[via TechCrunch]

Annamika for iPad is a Trippy Pixel Bender

Just in time for Inception I suppose, Annamika gives us some insight into the darkest dreams your iPad can conjure. It’s a world full of mind melting pixels and trippy visuals, all seemingly taking place through the virtual lens of an innocent kaleidoscope.

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The Beauty of Apple’s Magic Trackpad

Surely this slate of aluminum is really pretty to look at. I don’t think anyone would deny that this gargantuan trackpad of love isn’t just so inviting to your fingers – looking at the gallery, I could dip my fingers right through the screen to touch it. But despite the invitation, is a giant touch surface like this actually practical? Without any hands-on experience yet with the Magic Trackpad, I will say yes.

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My Thoughts on the Cult of Mac Controversy

When I look at websites like TUAW, The Apple Blog, Macgasm, or a site such as ourselves that talks about the well being of the developer community, I expect all of us to be role models for others to follow and an avenue for developer success.

Which leads me to Cult of Mac. By now all of us are aware of Sayam Aggarwal’s brazen tutorial on how to install pirated software with the intent of, “Try before you buy.” It’s a shallow cause.

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New Mac Pros, 27” Display Tomorrow? [Rumor] [Update!]

The Mac community’s own John Gruber predicts we’ll see an awesome update to the Cinema Display line with the unveiling of a new 27-inch, 16:9 Cinema Display, accompanied by new Mac Pros and possibly speedier iMacs tomorrow or at a later date. This all comes at the return of The Talk Show, so Gruber must be in an incredibly good mood to give us this tidbit of info to chew on. Hopefully he’s right!

Update: Now there’s the inclusion of the Magic Trackpad we’ve been hearing about.

[Daring Fireball via Gizmodo]