Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

Apple’s Java for OS X 2012-003 Update Removes Common Flashback Variants

Two days after their initial announcement and on the heels of F-Secure’s removal tool, checking Software Update on your Mac should prompt you for Apple’s latest Java update for OS X. The 2012-003 update removes common variants of the Flashback trojan, as well as disabling automatic execution of Java applets. While you will be able to turn the ability to run Java applets back on through the Java Preferences app, it will automatically be disabled if you don’t consistently access or run applets after a period of time.

For more information, you can read the support article or the supplementary information provided through Software Update.

[Apple Support via The Loop]

F-Secure’s Automated Flashback Removal Tool

F-Secure Flashback Removal Tool

F-Secure Flashback Removal Tool

Talking about Apple’s upcoming Flashback removal tool and F-Secure’s guide on how to check whether you’ve been infected, reader Phạm Duy Nguyên pointed us to a free tool F-Secure put out this morning that automatically checks for the infection, quarantines it if found, and lets you delete the malware from your system once it’s trapped in an archive on your desktop. The free removal tool takes the trouble or fear out of using the command line by providing a simple point-and-click utility. If you or friends and family are looking for easy solutions before Apple releases their removal tool, point them to F-Secure’s Flashback Removal Tool.

[F-Secure via @nguyenhimself]

Apple to Provide Flashback Removal Tool

This evening, Apple has announced that they will be developing a tool to remove the Flashback trojan horse that has infected over half a million Macs. While Apple responded by releasing an updated version of Java on April 3rd (for both OS X 10.6 and 10.7), users who haven’t ran Software Update on their Macs are still susceptible to becoming infected if they visit a website with a malicious Java applet. According to Macworld, Flashback harvests usernames and passwords from web browsing activities.

In response to the widespread infection, Apple is working with ISPs to shut down the servers Flashback uses to communicate with its authors and perform its commands. In addition, Apple is developing and will be releasing a special removal tool focused on removing the Flashback trojan from infected systems. A release date is not known at this time, but in the meantime, you can follow this guide from F-Secure or use this handy tool to see whether you are infected. Instructions are given to remove the malicious program manually. Apple’s solution will likely be automatically included in a future Software Update that takes care of the infection for the user.

[Apple Support via The Loop | Flashback info via Macworld]

Marked 1.4: A Little Something for Everybody

What started out as a companion app aimed at tech bloggers writing articles in Markdown has become a multipurpose Swiss Army knife for previewing scripts, stories, and code for writers and programmers. While Marked has always fulfilled my needs for finalizing drafts, copying HTML output into a web editor, and checking to see if I’ve overused various positive adjectives, the latest version adds an abundance of new features that make previewing articles in realtime even more useful. It’s important to note that Marked 1.4 is compatible with Lion only — Snow Leopard and Leopard users won’t be able to take advantage of the latest features.

What’s useful to bloggers:

Three changes have a direct effect on my workflow: Scroll to first edit, which moves the document to the current edit point when changes are detected; HTML highlighting, which makes scanning HTML output easier than before; and popovers on external links, which will bring up options to copy and validate a link. The first two new features work splendidly, with Marked scrolling to the paragraph where I’ve added a link or changed a sentence once I’ve left the focus of TextEdit (my editor of choice) or save manually with ⌘S.

Unfortunately, link popovers don’t work as expected. Instead of hovering the mouse over a link, clicking on the link brings up a popover with the copy, validate, and open-in-Safari options. Link validation in particular is great as it provides a quick way to check a slew of links without having to leave the Marked preview (especially useful if you use [this]: style of link in Markdown). Once the link has been clicked on for the popover, clicking it a second time takes you to the website in your default browser. It seems whether the popover is shown depends on whether the URL has already been checked (document-wide).

A fourth new feature bloggers will love if they’ve written their own Marked styles to match the format of their websites will be per-document styles. Instead of changing the style through the GUI, you can include a brief piece of metadata at the beginning of your document by adding the following: “Marked Style: Your preferred style here” (without quotes). If you create new documents with shortcuts or triggers, you can further automate how it will look in Marked by adding a snippet of metadata — useful when you publish or want to see output for a specific blog. The metadata you add is excluded from the HTML output. HTML output, by the way, has a new toggle in the titlebar.

Lastly, for bloggers concerned about their HTML output, Marked now gives you the option to disable header ID creation. Unless you have a specific need for styling, there’s no reason to have Marked generate an ID per header. I’ve definitely enabled this one.

What’s useful to writers and screenwriters:

Scrivener 2.x projects and Leanpub files are now supported by Marked. Scrivener projects, like .md or .txt files, can simply be dragged into Marked and compiled to provide a live preview of your working content. Pressing ⌘E (open in editor) will take open .scriv files being previewed in Scrivener if you’re reviewing your script and need to make a live change. As you write and save your document, Marked will reflect the changes made.

Leanpub compatibility is a little bit harder to explain. What Marked will allow writers to do with their Leanpub files is merge and compile them so that the documents can be previewed and navigated via a table of contents. To take advantage of this feature, an file is created and requires that the first line be “frontmatter:” (again without quotes) signifying the Leanpub format. In the file, you’ll need to add your Leanpub files as sections using a special syntax that’s separated by Markdown headers to designate the book title, chapters, etc. This help page should give you a better handle on how to use Leanpub and multi-file documents with Marked.

Having commented on using table of contents, it’d be wrong of me not to mention its fantastic new search feature. After pressing ⌘T to show the table of contents (which basically groups all of the headers in a Markdown document into a list), you can tap the space bar to quickly type a chapter number or section title. Using the arrow or J/K keys, you can select the section before pressing escape to continue previewing your document. It’s a quick and keyboard friendly way to jump around an expansive document.

What’s useful to programmers:

Programmers get their own automatic syntax highlighting update for code blocks. I found that while it worked well with Marked’s default preview, syntax highlighting often had undesirable results when high contrast was enabled. Highlighting itself is taken care of thanks to highlight.js.

Programmers will also appreciate the ability to create fenced code blocks, which are delimited by tildes or backticks. Languages can be specified, but highlight.js will try to automatically detect one of its 41 supported languages on its own.

For those creating GitHub readmes, the GitHub style has been updated to reflect the most recent changes on the site. In the preferences, a new option has also been added to preserve line breaks in paragraphs, mimicking GitHub’s style if you choose to enable it.

Other changes:

Two new themes have been added to Marked: Amblin and Upstanding Citizen. Amblin, laid-back and traditional, is a polar opposite of Upstanding Citizen’s bold centered headers and condensed paragraphs. Amblin is great for writing cozily late into the night — it’s ousted Swiss for me as far as the default styles go.

The preferences panes are all brand new — options are easy to find and are nicely separated into convenient sections. If you plan on printing documents, you can force page breaks with a break snippet, by using horizontal rulers, or before H1 and H2 headers (this printing section should give you a quick primer on the options you have available).

No longer catering to just mainstream tech reporters, Marked has expanded its role from a nerdy Markdown utility to a polished, multipurpose tool that’s bent on making sure any craftsman of words can output a good looking document. More than just a preview app, Marked is feature rich without being complex, presenting files as you want them while providing numerous ways to do simple things from copying text to getting HTML output of your files. Support for Leanpub and Scrivener only adds usefulness for authors using Macs to produce upcoming books, and screenwriters can look forward to added compatibility with Fountain in the future.

Marked provides a lot in an accessible package, and for only $3.99 it’s a steal for anyone who works with Markdown files and its derivatives. You can check out Marked online and download it from the Mac App Store.

Regarding Apple’s Edge and the new Apple TV Interface

Alongside a hardware update that supports 1080p playback, the new Apple TV introduced a brand new grid-like interface that draws upon influences from iOS. Where previous Apple TV interfaces were more or less clickwheel-iPod inspired, the new interface replaces sleek and jewel-like menus for a series of colorful icons that provide quick menu access to Netflix, TV Shows, and MLB.TV just to name a few. However, the interface is now at the center of brief controversy around Apple’s design decisions and the absence of Steve Jobs.

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iPad (3) Review: You Won’t Believe It Until You See It

You Won't Believe It Until You See It

You Won’t Believe It Until You See It

Apple’s iPad is iconic in design. Competitors try to emulate Apple’s success, but nobody can mistake the aluminum frame and its companion piano black or pearl white bezel for any other product. While it’s a product known for its distinct shape and size, the iPad’s character is only truly revealed when you power on its display and begin to explore the contained interface. With the Retina display, the new iPad is unlike anything you’ve seen before.

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So the iPad Gets a Little Warm

So the iPad Gets a Little Warm

Consumer Reports, just one of many news outlets, reporting on the iPad’s newest apparent feature: hand warming.

During our tests, I held the new iPad in my hands. When it was at its hottest, it felt very warm but not especially uncomfortable if held for a brief period.

I’ll grit my teeth and bear the sensationalist headlines. I’m okay with tech blogs comparing temperatures between various iPad models for the sake of “science.” But I’m not okay with the above testimony. It’s a complete white whine.

The iPad 2 could get slightly warm after gaming or watching videos for a period of time, and the iPad (3) gets noticeably warmer (but not hot) at the back left corner where most of the processing components are located inside. While there are sometimes exceptions in the various Apple-gates that the media tends to manufacture with every new product launch — the iPhone 4’s antenna being an actual problem for lots of customers — the fact is that computer chips generate heat and the combination of technologies in the latest iPad (A5X processor and the Broadcom chips) contribute to this non-issue. The problem with a lot of these articles is that they’re completely misleading concerning how hot the new iPad is to the touch.

It’s something else for the press to complain about and get page views for despite the technological accomplishment of not only fitting a 2048 x 1536 resolution display in the space of 9.7 inches, but then being able to smoothly render games like Infinity Blade II and Air Supremacy on top of that. If getting a little warm is the trade-off for having a high performance iPad, then I’m completely okay with that. Unless the iPad is actually scalding your hand or is boiling hot to the touch (it’s nowhere close), the heat dissipated through the aluminum frame shouldn’t be a concern. Apparently, scalding hot laptops aren’t a problem, but a lukewarm iPad is.


The New iPad Keynote Roundup

iLife on 3 3rd Gen iPads

iLife on 3 3rd Gen iPads

Today’s one of those days when I can sit happily at my desk and know that the tech press didn’t win. Despite the mounting evidence, the alleged photographs of bits and pieces, and the last minute rumors of x-chip and y-feature for a gadget we seemingly knew everything about, Apple still managed to pull a fast one that was so obvious it makes even the most certain journalists curse under their breaths. iPad. You should have seen it coming right? Even the iPad 2 was simply referred to as the iPad on its aluminum shell. iPad. Even if it was just a little surprise, it’s a simple reminder that not even those with the best sources can fully beat Apple at its own game. As long as this continues to be true, I’m pretty sure that means Apple is doing alright.

With that said, let’s check out all of the great stuff Apple just launched.

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Apple Releases iPhoto for iOS

Available only for iOS 5.1 and announced during today’s keynote, iPhoto for iOS is now available in the App Store. With a size of 106 MB, the download isn’t below Apple’s bumped 50 MB download cap over the carriers’ networks. The iPhoto app for the iPhone and iPad completes Apple’s iLife suite on the iPad, joining iWork, iMovie, and Garageband updates that are also now available on the App Store.

Past the break you’ll find iPhoto for iOS release notes.

Update! We’re updating the post with screenshots past the break.

[iTunes Link]

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