Cody Fink

1547 posts on MacStories since January 2010

Former MacStories contributor.

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BIT.TRIP BEAT For Mac Is Trip-Tastic

CommanderVideo has given you a paddle, and you’ll have to keep up with the beat in order to succeed in BIT.TRIP BEAT on the Mac App Store. It’s like pong and maybe like brick breaker, where you bounce back various “beats” that are streamed across your display in conjunction with the level’s vibe. These aren’t your traditional ping pong bits either – they’re high intensity, moving bullets that bounce and force players to return a variety of patterns without missing. The more beats you return consecutively, the more rewarding the game gets with higher intensity tunes and occasionally trippier visuals. But like Guitar Hero, if you miss a beat, you’ll face the bleak reality of failure. Color fades into monochrome, and the screen beat is reduced to mere 8-bit blips. If you’re not getting those additional bonus points by chaining those high-pitched returns, it’s game over for CommanderVideo.

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Localscope Is Perfect For iPod Or iPhone

It doesn’t matter whether a GPS signal is available to know what restaurants are nearby, or where the next gas station is. In fact, I’d easily trade Localscope for Google’s Places on Android (and who wants Hotpot when you have Facebook?). You’re never tethered to a single source of information with Google, Bing, Foursquare, Twitter, and Wikimapia for a combination of maps, current events, and augmented reality. Talk about holy wowza! And the thing is, Localscope is incredibly pretty. It’s the iPhone companion you’ll want on your homescreen if not in a nearby folder, and we’re going to run through some of the features that make this client worth its weight in bacon.

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CalendarBar Tucks Event Reminders In Your Menubar

Clean Cut Code is known for making beautiful apps like Cloud Calendar, and it was only a matter of time before they brought some of their talent to the OS X desktop. CalendarBar takes on the inefficiencies of a traditional calendar client by providing a quick list of events in a beautiful timeline that can grab events from iCal, Google Calendar, and Facebook. Clicking on an event takes you to the event listing in its parent application – CalendarBar removes the distraction of busy calendar utilities, but provides shortcuts so you can add entries and gather additional information. The app features a some iOS overtones in its design, most obviously via the settings and exit button that adorn the bottom of the pop-up panel. Launching yesterday, the app is only $1.99 in the Mac App Store.

The Genius of Apple’s Smart Cover

The most exciting part of the March 2nd keynote was not the introduction of the iPad 2, but the introduction of its surprise accessory that makes the iPad 2 twice as magical as its predecessor. Approximately twenty-five minutes into his speech, Steve Jobs broadcasts signals of pure excitement. Suddenly the mediocre announcement of the Digital AV Adapter was transitioned into what might have as been Job’s, “One last thing.” With the unveiling of the Smart Cover, Jobs hadn’t yet looked so happy in the keynote. Clearly, this was something to pay attention to.

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Apple’s Digital AV Adapter Works With 1st iPad

If you’re looking for HDMI out video on devices other than the iPad 2, you might be happy knowing Apple’s Digital AV Adapter works with your iPhone 4, iPod touch 4th gen, and first iPad if you’re inclined to hold onto it for another year. These devices will only output 720p video, however, but keep in mind that’s still technically HD quality. If you’re looking for video mirroring, it appears to only be supported by the iPad 2. The Digital AV Adapter is available for $39.00 in the Apple Store.

[via Engadget]

Samsung Galaxy Tab Sales Not So Small

Samsung Galaxy Tab Sales Not So Small

Hey, remember all the fun last month when Samsung’s Lee Young-hee said that Galaxy Tab sales were “quite smooth” but everyone heard “quite small?”

Before unveiling the iPad 2 today the man in black and denim listed that early misquote – which was widely and officially corrected – as evidence to prove that the iPad’s competition was floundering.

I’ve never seen the Galaxy Tab break any headlines or get a full day’s worth of coverage. Misquote or not, I don’t exactly see Android tablets flying off the shelves either. And now they’ll have to play catch up. Again.


iPad 2 Roundup

What a day! Apple has not only exceeded our expectations for an iPad 2, but has introduced a whole slew of new apps that bring iLife to the touchscreen. Are we completely blown away? Shocked? I think all of us are going to have a hard time coming off of this one, at least until we get the iPad 2 (in black or white) in our own hands. If you’re looking for the summary of all things iPad 2, you’ll find it right here.

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Instacast Is The Twitter Of Podcast Apps

A title comparing a podcast player to one of the most influential iPhone apps isn’t given lightly. The incredible friendliness of Twitter, combined with some inspiration from Silvio Rizzi of Reeder, has been crafted by Vemedio into what may simply be the best podcast app available for your iPhone. The features are all beautifully implemented, the interface is a score above the rest, and might I add that it’s become a mainstay on my homescreen?

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AViiQ Announces Four New Products For iPads, Laptops, And Mobile Devices

Even if I already wasn’t an acclaimed fanboy of AViiQ’s Portable Laptop Stand (review and giveaway), I’d still be excited to announce that AViiQ is pulling out all the stops with four new products tailored towards your mobile lifestyle. The 2011 lineup is impressive, and includes the AViiQ Portable Quick Stand, AViiQ Portable Case Stand for iPad, AViiQ Portable Charging Station, and new shades of AViiQ’s Portable Laptop Stand. From the press release, the Original Portable Laptop Stand will see a price reduction to $59.99, making the cost of entry even lower if you want a foldable stand for your laptop.

You’ll find new product photos and a press release after the break. For more information on AViiQ, check out their website at

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