Posts in links

Diet Coda 1.1

Diet Coda 1.1

Earlier today, Panic released a nice update to Diet Coda, its iPad version of popular web development app for the Mac, Coda. I’m not a web developer, but in my initial look at the app I appreciated the workflow it enabled to copy URLs for images uploaded to my web server.

Diet Coda, finally, allows me to copy the public URL for images uploaded to my FTP server. That’s a small feature, but you’d be surprised to know how many FTP iPad apps end up lacking it amidst dozens of other “power user options”. I wish Diet Coda would let me upload from the Camera Roll — hopefully that’s coming in a future update.

And in version 1.1, uploads have indeed been enabled. By tapping on a + button in the upper right corner of the UI, you can choose to upload photos or videos from your Camera Roll. Before uploading, you’ll be asked of you want to convert a .png file (such as an iOS screenshot) to .jpg, or if you want to keep it as it is. If you’ve been looking for a way to upload images from the iPad for, say, a mobile blogging workflow, this is the Diet Coda update to check out (too bad the app doesn’t support CDN providers such as Rackspace yet).

Also in this version, among other things, there’s an option to display folders on top, a toggle to show hidden files, a light theme, and code indentation as you type.

Diet Coda 1.1 is a substantial update that improves on many aspects of version 1.0. Check out the app at $19.99 on the App Store.


Take Screenshots At 1x and 2x Resolutions Simultaneously On Retina Macs

Take Screenshots At 1x and 2x Resolutions Simultaneously On Retina Macs

If you have a new MacBook Pro with Retina display, you’ve likely stumbled upon the issue of sharing screenshots that are too large in size for friends or coworkers who don’t have a Retina Mac yet. Or, perhaps you’ve wanted to be able to take both 1x and 2x screenshots for, say, a blog post served to Retina and non-Retina devices.

RetinaCapture is a new, free utility for Mountain Lion that does just that: it enables you to easily take crisp screenshots at both resolutions, at the same time. On a Retina Mac, just fire up the app, and choose whether you want your screenshot to be at 1x, 2x, or both. You can take a normal screenshot, timed screenshot, capture a window or a portion of the screen. Hit the button, and save your image. If you’re saving 1x and 2x files at the same time, the app will offer two naming schemes to name your images correctly. Either at 1x or 2x, screenshots will always be crisp and detailed.

RetinaCapture is available here for free. As a side note, if you’re not on a Retina Mac, you can test the app’s 2x mode by enabling HiDPI using Quartz Debug.


Behind The Scenes of “Sh*t Apple Fanatics Say”

Behind The Scenes of “Sh*t Apple Fanatics Say”

Ken Segall (author of Insanely Simple) has posted an article detailing the story behind “Sh*t Apple Fanatics Say”, a viral video that ironically collects many of the things Apple fans typically say when “defending” the company and its (sometimes questionable) choices.

Produced by Scott Rose, Mac consultant and FileMaker Pro developer, the two videos of the series (Part 1, Part 2) have been viewed over 900,000 times on YouTube. Interestingly, the video started as a side project that should have been completed in a couple of days, but eventually the “team” behind it spent “one day of location scouting, one day of writing, 2.5 days of shooting and five days of editing”.

The pair wrote over 100 lines and recorded all of them at each location, and improvised as well. That resulted in over eight hours of video that had to be whittled down to just a few minutes.

Make sure to check out the full interview over at Ken Segall’s Observatory.

“Apple can totally survive with Tim Cook, as long as he keeps hiring great people like John Browett”. 


OmniFocus Browser Bookmarklet and Safari 6

OmniFocus Browser Bookmarklet and Safari 6

Ever since upgrading to Safari 6 and Mountain Lion, I’ve noticed the OmniFocus bookmarklet I had installed stopped working properly. The OmniFocus bookmarklet is a handy addition to my workflow, in that it allows me to quickly save webpages I need to act upon at a later date, while preserving their title, link, and text selection. I often do this for linked posts that end up here on MacStories, or pages that I need to check out but that I’m not ready to bookmark yet (for that, I use Pinboard).

In theory, the OmniFocus bookmarklet should be capable of grabbing a webpage’s URL and selection (if any) as a note. However, of the two bookmarklets provided by The OmniGroup, none of them manages to successfully grab text selection on my machine running Safari 6 and OS X 10.8.1. So I set out to find a better bookmarklet, and I found this version by Alex Popescu that, besides working correctly, has also some nice integration with Gmail.

For Gmail, the bookmarklet creates a new task with the email title as the task title and a note with the current selection (if any), plus a from line in the form: From: email subject:(email subject) email_thread_url. For normal web pages, the bookmarklet creates a new task with the document title as the task title and a note with the current selection (if any), plus a from line in the form: From: page_url.

I tested this on Safari 6, and it works as advertised. The bookmarklet also works on iOS devices, albeit the iPhone’s Mobile Safari can’t send the current text selection from a page to OmniFocus.

Get the bookmarklet here.


An Overview Of

An Overview Of

According to their website, “ is a real-time social feed without the ads”. A new social network born out the uncertainty towards Twitter’s recent shift from a real-time platform to a media company, is a new kind of network aimed at encouraging users and third-party developers to experiment with the platform, not be intimidated by it. Glenn Fleishman’s article at TidBITS from August 28th provides a great overview of what is right now, the problems it’s facing, and how the promise of a “dumb network” sold at a price might turn into a truly next-gen platform.

Architecturally, most resembles Twitter in that the system is optimized around managing sending short messages (currently 256 characters) with various properties in those messages, as well as maintaining a user-defined set of relationships (the “social graph”). Third-party software, including Web apps, will be able to access messages through different means. That can include reading and posting client software, or tools that analyze streams of public messages.

Even more interestingly, Glenn later goes on to consider the potentialities of for developers, and he proposes various possible implementations of the API, including:

For computer-to-computer interaction, offer an alternative to HTTP, proprietary software, or email. Lightweight “listening” modules and libraries could use as the backbone for sending automated messages, keeping them persistent for later review, queuing them in the event of network or server outages on the ends, and notifying humans of problems or status.

I have been using alongside Twitter, and I think it’s a very exciting time for the service. I have been using Twitter since 2009, and I’m pretty sure 50% of the people I know online and the work relationships I have established wouldn’t have been possible without it. But as I wrote, it’s all about the people: my readers, the developers I know, my friends, my co-workers. Sadly, Twitter the new media company isn’t the same anymore; it’s not the same company that empowered us to create these relationships. It changed – and it’s changing – both technically and conceptually. Twitter used to care about how people used their service; now, with a business to figure out, it’s about brands, Cards, deprecated features, and business speak. It almost feels as if suits took over and, in the process, Twitter lost its emotion.

To me, is exciting because it feels like the Twitter of 2008 and 2009, only getting around doing the things Twitter never did. Annotations; games that use the service’s pipe; post formats in apps. Check out the API, and think about the possibilities for third-party apps and services. Very cool things are happening right now just as Twitter becomes more hostile by the day.

For my job, I talk to developers and creators on a daily basis. And right now, developers are picking up some good vibes from There’s a lot of experimentation going on, support from the company, and an overall feeling that, if this is will work, maybe a better (and different) Twitter could be possible. It’s too early to tell – after all, Twitter still works – but it’s a good start nevertheless.

Check out Glenn’s overview here. And, I’m on


Plain Text Primer

Plain Text Primer

Michael Schechter has kicked off a new series over at A Better Mess, detailing the basics of working with plain text. In today’s article, he covers nvALT, Brett Terpstra’s excellent fork of Notational Velocity.

nvALT is a free note-taking tool with some great features for plain text and markdown editing. It serves as the foundation for my plain text workflows. It stores all of my text files in an environment that is lightening fast for creating and searching through notes. I use nvALT as a repository for everything.

Personally, I’m a big fan of both plain text and nvALT. As I have written on multiple occasions before, plain text is portable, timeless, and it happens to work with some of the finest apps on the App Store.

Michael’s overview is a good starting point if you’re interested in plain text. Check it out here, and here.


Harry McCracken: “One Year Later, the iPad Is Still My Favorite Computer”

Harry McCracken: “One Year Later, the iPad Is Still My Favorite Computer”

Harry McCracken has been working a lot from his iPad. And by “a lot”, I mean Harry McCracken was one of the first journalists to bring his iPad full-time and turn it into a serious work machine for writing. He shared some great tips and workflow ideas last year, and his experience was the inspiration for this article of mine, which analyzed the iPad’s journey from early adopters to mass market as a “Post PC” device. McCracken’s story also motivated me to use the iPad more for work-related purposes, and I was not alone.

One year later,  McCracken interviews himself about the pros and cons of the past 365 days as a proficient iPad user. More importantly, he argues that it’s not about the writers and bloggers anymore – the iPad is being used by “regular” people, who are finding the iPad to be a viable solution for variegate tasks like reading and checking emails, or more specific activities like screenwriting and managing medical records in healthcare.

I’m pretty sure it’s not just journalists who are using iPads as computers. I see people doing it in airplanes. I’ve seen them doing it on the subway. When I’m out and about, strangers run up to ask me about my keyboard. Something’s happening here, and it’s happening quickly — and so I thought I’d update you on my experiences as of the one-year mark.

Skipping the question as to whether the iPad can or can’t be a “computer” altogether, what we really should consider is that, ultimately, consumers aren’t wasting their time arguing on the nature of the device, they’re just using it. As it turns out, arguing on productivity isn’t nearly as productive as just getting work done, like McCracken (and others did).

Read Harry McCracken’s post over at TIME.


Organizing Everything With Plain Text Notes

Organizing Everything With Plain Text Notes



In a guest post for Macworld, Macdrifter’s Gabe Weatherhead shares some tips about his note-taking workflow, based on plain text files.

Like everyone else, I need to keep track of lots of bits of information. Some of those bits are as simple as the brand of salad dressing my wife likes; others are as complex as an outline for a multi-year project at work. Whatever the size, origin, and purpose of these bits, I keep track of them all by saving them in a reliable system of plain-text notes—a system that enables me to find any bit of information whenever I need it, in a form that makes sense to me when I do.

My workflow is similar to Gabe’s one. I store all my notes – rigorously in plain text format for data portability – in a single Dropbox folder, and I use a variety of apps and hacks to work with these files on the device at hand. The advantage of working in plain text is that I never have to worry about file conversion and corrupted databases – and when combined with Dropbox, it really all just works. Plus, I can stay assured that, twenty years from now, an archive of my notes will still be there, as plain text – like PDF – will likely be around.

On the Mac, like Gabe, I use Brett Terpstra’s excellent nvALT to switch between all my notes. I don’t use tagging, but I do use Alfred to peek inside the contents of my plain text files to find links or bits of text I had previously saved (like favorite tweets). Occasionally, I might write in TextEdit or Byword, but generally – no matter the app I’m using – Markdown previews are handled by Terpstra’s other insanely useful app, Marked. On iOS, as I recently explained, I tend to access my notes with a combination of Nebulous Notes, Writing Kit, and WriteUp depending on what I need. To quickly save notes into Dropbox, I rely on Drafts, which was recently updated to version 2.0.

I like plain text because it lets me write and access my notes the way I want to. As David Sparks once wrote, it’s timeless. Make sure to read Gabe’s post here for some great tips.


Tweetbot Mute Filters For U.S. Elections

Tweetbot Mute Filters For U.S. Elections

I’ve recently become annoyed with the amount of tweets in my timeline about the upcoming United States elections, so I set out to find a way to mute those tweets without necessarily unfollowing people. In case you missed it, Tweetbot 2.4 introduced support for keyword mute filtering, allowing you to mute (read: make invisible in the timeline) any keyword, with support for regular expression. I manually added hashtags and keywords to the list of filters on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac, but it turns out someone already made a set of filters you can easily install on your devices.

Thanks to Jono Hunt, you can head over this GitHub page and check out the 2012 U.S. elections regular expression he built for Tweetbot. You can add keywords in the middle if you feel like you should be blocking more from your timeline. To install the filter, open the Mute Filters view in Tweetbot, hit the Edit button, then the + button in the upper left corner and select Mute Keyword. Paste the filter, and turn on  Regular Expression. You can set a duration (I chose “forever”) and mute mentions for the filter as well. To make sure you’re entering the expression correctly, Tweetbot will also display matching tweets already in your timeline.

Jono has built other mute filters for recurring tweets besides the elections, so check them out here.
