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iRip 2: The Best Way To Get Anything Out Of iOS Devices

The Little App Factory has published some great Mac apps in the past year. First for me came Evom, a simple and free utility that can save videos from the web (even Flash videos) and convert to a number of different devices, such as iPads or Apple TVs. Then I installed Rivet, another little utility for the Mac that can stream video from your local machine to a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 console in your local network. Works like magic.

Last week I took a look at The Little App Factory’s latest effort, Grappler for Mac. Grappler provides an integrated view to browse Youtube without leaving the app and download videos to convert for an iTunes-compatible format. It’s got a great UI, inline previews and a lot more. Make sure to check out my review here if you missed it. Read more

Diacarta Adds Retina Graphics, Notifications - I Can Finally Use It

Diacarta is a cool app for the iPhone which, unlike most task managers quick reminders, doesn’t let you create items in a list. Diacarta wants to enable you to have a “picture” of your day by making an analog clock its main screen. Tasks are visualized as big icons linked to the clock in a specific time of the day. This way, Diacarts provides a quick view of your upcoming activities that you can edit at any time.

It’s visually rich and very, very custom. Read more

There’s A New Text Editor On My iPad: Writings

The iPad. The perfect writing device, right? The tablet surely doesn’t miss apps meant for writers, quick note takers and bloggers alike. There are hundreds of text editors available in the App Store, not to mention the word processors and apps meant for more specific tasks such as novel or screen writing.

The iPad has the writing tools.

One may wonder whether all these tools actually have something in common or are all single pieces of software based on fundamental differences and unique features. It is undeniable that the trend amongst most text editors for iPad is to come with Dropbox sync capabilities. Of the “writing tools” mentioned above, the text editors rely on sync nowadays. And to good reason: it was a pain to save a post or note as a .txt file and manually manage it. Now everything happens in the cloud, in the background, automatically.

The Dropbox trend has lead to great apps: PlainText, Elements, IA Writer – just to name a very few. Writings, a new app released today by Italian developers Ludovico Rossi and Vito Modena, shares a feature set similar to other writing applications available in the Store, but comes with new functionalities and interaction methods that have made it stand out from the others on my iPad.

Writings makes composing text on the iPad a real pleasure. Read more

Invaders Corruption Mutates Invaders With Geometry Wars

I like to hunt down different indie games that fulfill the ever growing desire to feast my eyes on well made, yet simple titles that are available on a variety of platforms so that even our Windows readers can take part in all the fun. But mostly I’m just looking for some casual pixel love for my midnight Mac gaming cravings. Last week I came across Invader Corruption, where a unique name creates an individual gaming experience so that no two games are quite the same. What starts off as a boring and possibly mundane shooter ends up being compelling and totally addictive. Shoot past the break to learn more about this frantic free title.

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Twitter Just Got Its Most Beautiful iPad App. It’s Called TweetMag.

TweetMag is, without a doubt, the most beautiful Twitter app that ever landed on the iPad. Yes, TweetMag is  more attractive than Flipboard. But they are two different apps. And there’s no way I’m going to focus this review on a comparison between them.

Let me get this out quickly before I dive deeper into this piece of software that appeared on the App Store tonight: Flipboard and Tweetmag are two different products. Both in the intentions, and realization. Yes, they both aim at letting you build a”digital magazine” out of links shared on Twitter. Yes, they share some aspects of a same concept. And yes, they can live together. This is not about which app is going to kill Flipboard, the iPad app of the year. This is not a piece about the functionalities that you’ll find in both the apps, either. This is about TweetMag, a product of its own that aims at providing a new Twitter experience.

You notice how the most used words until now have been “difference”, “experience”, “product”. TweetMag and Flipboard have a lot in common, yet some aspects underlying the overall concept manage to put them on two separate roads. That’s why I’m running both of them on my iPad. Read more

Verbs For IM Launches But It’s Not Quite There

It’s not every day that a beautiful, elegant, new app comes out on the iPhone and I’m willing to spend $2.99 to purchase it. When I saw Verbs available in iTunes a few minutes ago, though, I couldn’t help but play Apple’s game and hit the Buy button. I wanted Verbs, for a reason: I know the first version wouldn’t support AIM, the chat system I use on a daily basis in iChat, but I really wanted to see how a nice Google Talk client would fit in my workflow. After all, it’s not every day that a Google Talk client for the iPhone is released, and it’s even got a UI to lay your eyes on.

So I bought Verbs. Is it beautiful to look at? It sure is. Is the ultimate Google Talk experience? More on that below. Read more

Airfoil 4 Streamlines Audio, Video Experience

Apple may have introduced AirPlay, but that doesn’t mean Rogue Amoeba is out of the game. In fact, AirPlay is rather limited unless you enjoy hacking your way out of a paper bag, and by no means can it expand its territory outside of iTunes. If you ever wanted to sit back on the couch and watch CNET TV on your 27” Cinema Display through your iPod’s headphones, you’re out of luck. But with Airfoil, streaming audio anywhere allows one to achieve a state of wireless bliss.

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Daisy Disk 2 Public Beta Available

We previewed the new version of Daisy Disk for Mac back in November and I’ve been running the app on my computer since then. At regular weekly intervals, I’ve found myself using Daisy Disk 2 to take a peek into my Mac’s hidden and mysterious locations and see what was eating up all that space. Sometimes it was an iTunes backup. Sometimes it was a folder full of new apps to try. Most of the times it was just junk. Daisy Disk 2, with its gorgeous “sunburst” interface and file deletion functionality, provides a great way to “visually” know what has to be trashed on your machine. Read more