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Posts in reviews

Phone Disk: Mount & Browse Your iPhone In The Finder, No Jailbreak Required

They say one of the biggest advantages of jailbreaking your iPhone ( or iPad) is that you gain root access to the device. By root access they usually mean that the filesystem becomes visible to the end user, thus allowing people to play around with the device’s system files and modify stuff. From graphical modifications to file browsers available in Cydia to extra functionalities granted by access to hidden folders, root access is one of the most important aspects of jailbreak.

But it turns out, jailbreak isn’t required to access the iPhone’s internal files in the way most people would need: Phone Disk, a Mac (and Windows) app gone free until December 1st, lets you mount and browse your iDevice directly in the Finder without the need to jailbreak anything. Read more

WorldView+: Webcams Worldwide, With An Elegant Interface

The iPhone 4 has got a great camera, but this app is about checking on images captured by other cameras around the globe. If you’ve ever wished to have access to more than 14,000 webcams from your pocket, WorldView+ might be just the app for you. With a nice icon and a redesigned UI by Marcelo Marfil, this app combines the functionality of checking on live webcams with additional data pulled from Wikipedia, weather stations and Google Maps.

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Meet My New Gmail App for iPad

Every day I check on 7 different Gmail accounts. Both personal and work-related, I have to keep an eye on them. On the desktop I use Mailplane, which is a must-have application that wraps Google’s Gmail web UI around a Cocoa native interface for the Mac, and adds a lot of features to it. If you haven’t tried it yet, go get Mailplane right now.

On iOS we don’t have anything like Mailplane. There’s Mailroom, but it’s not as rich or powerful as Mailplane and it’s only for iPhone. I use Mailroom, but I’d like to be able to do more stuff with it and have a full-featured iPad version as well.

So I’m forced to either keep on switching between accounts on (not a chance in hell), or use different apps on the iPhone and iPad to enjoy this useful “easy multi-account” feature. Like I said, I use Mailroom on the iPhone; on the iPad I’ve been using MailWrangler and Mailboxes for months, but I think I’ve found something that’s faster, equally powerful and free.

MultiG is a simple app for iPad that lets you switch between regular Gmail accounts and Google Apps ones, it’s got a lightweight and fast integrated browser and it even comes with Instapaper support. Read more

Linkie, Another iPhone App To Track Links. The One I’m Sticking With.

Last week I took a look at Clicks Count, a free iPhone app to keep track of links posted by a Twitter account. By using the public’s APIs, the app allows you to check on the clicks a link has received and nothing much, really. But it’s free, and I’m sure it’ll be just fine for many of you.

I, however, need more. I want mobile analytics and referrers. So I went digging in the App Store some more and found this other app, Linkie, which comes at a $0.99 but does everything I need. So I’m sticking with it. Read more

Delibar for iPhone Syncs Bookmarks In The Cloud - Review & Giveaway

I don’t really save bookmarks anymore like I used to, but I know hundreds of thousands of users out there save any kind of content every day on popular services like Delicious, Pinboard and I’m out of the bookmarking game, maybe because my browser’s address bar became so smart I can type a few characters and get back to that post I needed. Or maybe because I save the stuff I want as starred items in Google Reader and faves in Twitter or then again, maybe I was just tired of bookmarking. Like I said, though, bookmarking services are far from dead, even if people like me stopped using them.

For this very reason you should welcome the release of Delibar for iPhone, which is, hands down, the best iOS app to access Delicious and Pinboard bookmarks. Read more

Note & Share: A Note Taking App, With Twitter and Dropbox Support

There are so many note taking apps for iPhone and iPad out there in the App Store, I don’t want to even keep a list of them anymore. Since Dropbox announced the possibility for developers to plug into the system and people remembered that Evernote has always been a great solution to store notes, developers rushed to release both great and terrible clients to create notes and save them to multiple online locations. Me? I’ve been using Simplenote all along and I’m not moving away from it, although PlainText makes a great note taking application with excellent Dropbox support.  Read more

Typo Base HD for iPad

If you’re a designer that occasionally gets a hard-on for accentuated rounded curves in the letter G, or an iOS developer eyeballs deep in PDF documents detailing the available fonts on the iPad, get yourself a copy of Typo Base HD.

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