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Posts in reviews

AppChest: Manage Your Licenses, Find Hot Deals - Review and Giveaway!

One of the greatest things about the App Store is that you don’t have software licenses to keep. You have an account, you purchase apps, those apps are tied to your account. No paid upgrades to keep track of across mailboxes, no registration emails, in-app purchases at best. That’s why people buy applications in the App Store: because it’s simple and you only have to setup a Paypal account or enter your credit card details.

The same cannot be said about the Mac: there’s no unified store, and if you want an app you have to visit the developer’s website and download it. You have a license for each app, and storing all of  them in a single location can be a huge time waster. That’s why softwares like AppChest come in handy and, guess what, we’ve got 5 (ahem) licenses to give away.

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The Macally Bookstand, A Microfiber iPad Cover

I recently got my hands on a Macally Bookstand, which is a hot commodity right now. Apple’s own case isn’t bad – it seems some owners have better luck with it than others – but I wasn’t impressed with the sturdiness & balance of Apple’s stand. Instead, I wanted to opt for a svelte alternative that gave me access to the iPad’s entire screen. The Bookstand fits the bill nicely.

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Raskin, A Finder Replacement for Mac

When we think of a Finder replacement, Path Finder comes to mind as something that extends what we know and love. Other’s might think of ‘tabbed browsing’ as a useful extension, but what about replacing the Finder completely? Raskin does just that, giving you a scrollable platform of which you can easily preview files on your computer.

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Agile Web Solutions Acquires Knox, Great File Encryption App for Mac OS X

The folks over at Agile Web Solutions are very serious about your local and online security: as if 1Password wasn’t enough, this week they bought Knox from Marko Karppinen & Co developers, as TUAW reports. While 1Password aims at collecting all your online identities, accounts and casual notes, Knox is meant to protect your local documents from unwanted eyes and fingers. Do you really need this?

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Divvy Up Your Desktop with Divvy for Mac

I have a problem with computer desktops in general, and it’s that I’m fidgety. I’m not so bad on Windows for whatever reason, but on the Mac I’m always shuffling desktop windows around, resizing things, trying to align things perfectly so my OCD doesn’t kick in. And I’ve tried hundreds of solutions here on MacStories, and even recorded lame’o videos for some. But god forbid I ever end this tireless quest, so today I present you with Divvy.

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Notify 2.1: Stronger, Faster, Better

Back in December I reviewed Notify 2 from Vibealicious and wrote that it was one of the best applications released in 2009. For those who don’t know, Notify is a menubar application for Mac which allows you to check for incoming mail messages in almost every kind of account (Gmail, IMAP, MobileMe and Rackspace) without having a mail client running all the time. It’s a lightweight notifier that runs in the background and check for new messages at a scheduled interval and presents them to you via Growl notifications, inside a beautifully designed interface.

Today, Vibealicious has released the long awaited 2.1 update for Notify, which introduces a new backend, new features and lots of fixes and improvements.

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