Imagine if you’re working with MAMP, and you’re navigating through the sea of folders residing in htdocs. Deep within these folders you have a myriad of .html, .php, and .css files that need editing, but because you’re a programmer savant, you happen to have Textmate, BBEdit, Coda, SubEthaEdit, and Espresso on your Mac at the same time. And when you go to open one of those lovely HTML ridden files, it opens with the wrong application. How frustrating!
What if I told you that Magic Launch can not only help you ease those app opening pains, it can actually decide which application is better for you depending on contexts? That’s right - in one folder you might want to work in Espresso, while in another you might want to work in Coda. If the file includes lots of CSS, perhaps Magic Launch is smart enough to open that file in CSSEdit instead.