We’ve been reviewing a lot of web applications on MacStories during these last weeks, and not because we haven’t been able to find new “native” apps both for Mac and iPhone - because we believe today’s webapps have a lot to teach to desktop applications. Also, many of us use websites as desktop applications running inside an instance of Fluid.app: I have 3 Fluid apps sitting in my dock at the time of writing this post.
We usually focus on applications that could empower our productivity workflows with new tools, new ways of doing the old stuff, possibly standard compliant. Just take a look at Zootool, HipChat, Nirvana: they’re all great pieces of software that, no matter they’re written in Cocoa or not can run on our Macs just fine - and they’re useful.
The webapp Cody and I are going to talk about today is something you haven’t seen before anywhere else. It’s a sort of online storage / virtual desktop /collaboration app that presents a nice interface and runs very smoothly. An online place for you, your family and your co-workers that could seriously become one of your 2010 new favorite apps.
Enter Kohive.