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Posts in reviews

Caffeinated: The Next Big Thing in RSS Readers for Mac?

I wrote many times how much I’m into Ember app: it’s a great place to find inspirational stuff and work in progress screenshots of Mac and iPhone applications. So, the other day I was browsing the Images section and stumbled upon this screenie of a RSS app for Mac  I never saw before: damn, it was sexy.

I tried to gather some additional info and I found out it was a screenshot of a working build of Caffeinated, an application that’s being developed by Curtis Hard. He was so kind to give me a quick preview of Caffeinated and guys - this one’s gonna be amazing.

Find out why.

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Pastebot: Command Your Clipboard, Manage Your Data Library.

That of taking notes on the iPhone it’s a trend that won’t expire soon. There are hundreds of applications available for download which let you store / clip / organize / backup those small snippets of text you take on the go. Simplenote, Evernote, Shovebox, AwesomeNote, Idea Organizer..I’ve tried many of them, I love many of these apps.Today I’ll take a different approach and talk about an application that doesn’t simply store a group of notes. Well , it can do that too actually, but it can also store pictures, folders and 99 items from your clipboard history. It can even sync with your Mac. And it’s sexy.

Tapbots did it again. Here comes Pastebot.

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Droplr Finally Goes Public. Reviewed.

Back in October I wrote a post about 9 Beta applications for Mac OS X you should check out and, guess what, Droplr was in. Droplr has been an invite-only app / service for a long time, one of those apps people never stopped searching for an invite as rumor was “Droplr is freakin’ awesome”. I was in the private / beta testing group of the application and it surely was a great, easy to use app, seamlessly integrated with Mac OS X. Yesterday Droplr 1.0 finally landed and here’s why you should go download it now.

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AirLock, An Awesome Security Tool for Mac

It doesn’t happen everyday to review original and creative applications like AirLock. Moreover, it’s very unusual to find an application that installs itself as a preference pane but works together with your iPhone though it doesn’t exactly require an additional iPhone app.

What am I talking about? It’s called AirLock, and I think you’re gonna love this.

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Backup Your Mail Library with MaBuRe

Here’s a great utility for all you Mac users out there who use or Mozilla Thunderbird. MaBuRe (ok, let’s not talk about the name..or the icon) is a lightweight, free app for Mac which can backup and restore your mails in a single click.

The main (and only) window is a HUD panel which lets you backup and restore your Mail / Thunderbird database. The messages will be archived in a .zip file in your desktop.

The developer said on MacThemes forum it will soon implement the possibility to schedule backups for the next release.

Nice app!

Nottingham: Notepad and Simplenote Client for Mac OS X

You’d probably already know how much Simplenote is amazing. It’s a little iPhone note taking application that sync every note over the cloud, allowing you access the notes you took from your mobile device on your desktop. It’s very cool. But even better, the developers launched an API service that let other developers create application that integrate with Simplenote.

I reviewed JustNotes a while ago, a beta application for Mac which perfectly sync with the Simplenote cloud. Today, I’ve just discovered another app, Notthingam and guess what, it’s a little gem.

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Gmail Studio: Yet Another Mail Notifier

If you are a Gmail user and you have a Mac, you probably already know how many Gmail notifier applications are available. I don’t even know, maybe more than 20? Not to talk about custom solutions made of Applescript and Automator workflows.

I’m personally a huge fan of Notify from Vibealicious, which provides an easy way to access Gmail from the menubar with a stylish, elegant interface. Moreover, the upcoming 2.0 version will simply rock, trust me. Anyway, I’ve just discovered another Gmail notifier, which sits in the menubar and lets you check your unread messages from your Mac desktop: Gmail Studio.

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Exclusive Sneak Peek: Thoughts for Mac

If you’re a writer, you should know how much is important to keep your brain organized and fresh: sometimes too much information can kill your skills, or just make you forget things. You must find a way to keep everything at the right place, sorted out and ready to be picked up when you need it. And if you’re a Mac user too you know you need a good app to do this.

I had the chance to test Thoughts, an upcoming app for Mac OS X developed by green & slimy, and I think it could change the way you organize your stuff, with style. Here’s an exclusive preview.

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Keep Your Code Together with Snippets. Reviewed.

So you’re a designer or a developer and you daily need to deal with code and text snippets: that’s very likely to happen. From CSS to HTML, from Javascript to Ruby, you just can’t remember every piece of code everyday: you need a good solution to store and easily retrieve them. Now, if you’re reading this blog I assume you have a Mac running Leopard / Snow Leopard.

Meet Snippets.

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