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Posts in reviews

Extract Addresses and Send Multilple Messages with Mail-Grab

Apple’s Mail is a great piece of software: sure, it has some minor flaws and compatibility issues, but overall there’s no mail client better than on Mac OS X. I’ve tried many, like Postbox and Thunderbird, but I couldn’t just get the right feeling while using them. There are only two additional applications I use everyday for mail management: Mailplane for my Gmail accounts and Notify as quick menubar notifier.

Guess what, I think I’ve just discovered another great addition to Mail: Mail-Grab.

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Squish: Here Comes The Best URL Shortener for Mac

Seems like I just can’t enough of desktop URLs shorteners: Andy wrote an Applescript for that (hem) and I reviewed Shrinker, a simple app that handles the whole process of shortening urls with various online services like and So, I was re-organising my bookmarks today (you know, minimalism) and I stumbled upon this neat application which was lying there in my toolbar: Squish.

And I was like: “Omg”.

Find out why.

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IconGrabber Quickly Grabs and Converts Mac Icons

When I was new to the Mac, I wished there was a simple way to get the full size applications icons. They were beautiful and well designed, so I wanted to look at them at a full resolution. But as I said, I was new to the Mac, and I didn’t know many tricks to get the .icns file and convert it to a .png.

If you’re in the same situation now, IconGrabber is for you.

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Ommwriter: Welcome Back to Concentrating

“Ommwriter is a humble attempt to recapture what technology has snatched away from us today: our capacity to concentrate.

Ommwriter is a simple text processor that firmly believes in making writing a pleasure once again, reinvindicating the close relationship between writer and paper. The more intimate the relation, the smoother the flow of inspiration.

If you are a scriptwriter, blogger, journalist, copywriter, poet or just someone who enjoys writing, welcome back to concentrating.”

This is what you can read on Ommwriter official website. And that’s what Ommwriter really does.

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Decloner: Find and Remove Duplicates on Mac

So, you download a lot of stuff everyday and your downloads folder is a total mess. Or, you download so much stuff (music, icons, PDFs, images) that sometimes you can’t remember which files you’ve already downloaded..and you download them again, just to be sure. Obviously, you don’t have time to clean up that folder or, you just don’t want to.

Then, there’s another situation: you work a lot. You work so much that after some time your /Work folder wastes tons of GBs. Pages files, spreadsheets, PSDs,notes, stock photos..that’s very likely to happen.

Ok, let’s talk about Decloner.

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