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Posts in reviews

Evernote Account Switcher Brings Support For Multiple Accounts

Although I’m in love with Yojimbo, there’s no doubt that Evernote is the most famous “notes organizer / digital scrapbook” app around.

Built on a solid and intuitive web interface, Evernote is the favourite choice of many Mac users out there, both in its free and premium version. I could write an in-depth review in the next weeks, stay tuned.

Anyway, if there’s one thing for Mac misses, that’s multiple account support. I mean, you can change your account settings in the Preferences, but you’ll have to do it everytime. Wouldn’t it be great to have a little utility to quickly switch between accounts?

Thanks to Jazzaround developers, we can.

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Visor: A System-Wide Sexy Terminal for Mac OS X

There’s an application every Mac geek can’t live without: the Terminal. Developed with hardcore users in mind, the terminal is the best way to get things done “the hard way”, via text commands.

Now, Terminal is not the best looking Mac application. Indeed, it’s pretty simple and basic. Outdated, many people would say.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a gorgeous, system-wide terminal?

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JustNotes: Notes + Simplenote Client for Mac

You’ve probably already heard of Simplenote: it’s a note taking application for iPhone which syncs with its online server and each note you take on the mobile device will then be available through the web interface.

Simple and straighforward.

John Gruber also showed his love for Simplenote back in July.

So, what if we could have a desktop client for Mac?  Here comes JustNotes, a beta app I’ve discovered the last week.

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DeliciousSafari: The Best Safari Plugin for Delicious Users

I recently made the big step and started using Safari instead of Firefox for my tasks. This has been a big change for me, and I still have to figure out many things to find the perfect workflow.

Anyway, there was something I needed in the first place: a plugin to manage Delicious bookmarks. I mean, I add dozens of new bookmarks everyday, and while Firefox has its official plugin, Safari is still unsupported by Delicious.

Fortunately, I stumbled upon DeliciousSafari which is one of the best Safari plugins I’ve tried so far.

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DropLook: Universal Previewer for People Who Can’t Stand QuickLook

There’s no doubt that QuickLook is one of the best things about Mac OS X: it provides easy and quick previews for any kind of file. However, QuickLook has a few major drawbacks: if you switch to another application the QuickLook window hides. Even with Exposè, you can’t retrieve the preview you opened. And, you can’t use more than one QuickLook.

Yesterday I stumbled upon this new app, DropLook ,which seems very interesting.

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Delibar Comes Out of the Beta..and it’s Delicious.

As I said many times, I believe Delicious bookmarks are the best way to save, archive and organize the web pages you save for future reference. I also wrote a roundup about the 7 best Mac apps that brings to your desktop, be sure to read it if you missed.

As you can see from the roundup, Delibar was in. I’ve been a beta tester of this app for a few months, and now that it has gone public I can finally review it.

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