I was reading my morning feeds when I stumbled upon this new application: Waveboard.
As the name suggests, Waveboard is a Google Wave desktop client for Mac, still in beta.
All-In-One AI Chat Client for macOS
I was reading my morning feeds when I stumbled upon this new application: Waveboard.
As the name suggests, Waveboard is a Google Wave desktop client for Mac, still in beta.
Yesterday a reader dropped me an email, asking me what was so breakthrough about Cloud.app when CTU has been a menubar file sharing app way long before the cloud. What, CTU? , I asked.
Yes, here it is: the 100th site of its kind.
There’s been a lot of buzz around this Cloud.app recently.
While the developers described it as “every Mac user’s wet dream”, the twitter population went crazy about it. There was someone who said Cloud was a forecast app, then someone said it was only vaporware.
Cloud is real, guys. And it’s a wet dream.
I was reading my unread tweets this morning when my friend Francesco Mugnai (@francescomugnai) tweeted this ” RT @bartelme: A nice way to get email notifications in Snow Leopard… http://erikhinterbichler.com/software/herald/”.
I thought “ok, here’s another mail notification plugin. but, let’s see what it does anyway”.
My surprise, Herald is amazing.
During my blogging workflow, I costantly need to upload many files. Text, photos, screencasts, .zip archives..I need to share them with my friends and co-workers almost every hour.
Two weeks ago I stumbled upon this new app, FileShuttle, which has totally changed my workflow.
Please welcome another great post from Matteo Parollo, who had the chance to test Layers.app for Mac.
Here are his thoughts about it.
Enjoy ;)
For the new guest post series of MacStories, today Matteo Parollo reviewed Ecoute, the new kid on the block of iTunes remote controllers.
Enjoy! ;)
Here’s another innovation coming on the “new MacStories!”
I’m very happy to announce a brand new series of guest posts, starting today with my friend Francesco Puppo’s review of Chrome for Mac OS X.
You can download the latest developer build of Chrome for Mac here.
Enjoy! ;)
There’s a lot of unit converter apps in the App Store: it seems like it’s one of the latest trends of 2009.
Anyway, I stumbled upon this app, Measures, and I thought “wow,just another one”. But, after some weeks of testing I must admit that it works and - most of all - it’s really easy to use.