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Posts in reviews

Webbla: Visually Organize your Bookmarks.

How many hours have you ever spent looking for that tutorial you know you have bookmarked three months ago?

A lot, I guess. Well, this is beacuse bookmarks have become too important, they’re the only way we can store websites permanently (I mean, we can’t leave open tabs for 200 websites) being sure that we’ll “find that tutorial” again in the future.

What if we can store all of our boomarked websites in a single desktop application?

Let’s talk about Webbla.

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Launch Mac Applications with Firefox: Quickfire

A little update  to talk about a recently released mac-only extension for mozilla’s browser: Quickfire.

Quickfire can launch any application directly from Firefox : simply start typing the first letters in the address bar to get the results from / Applications folder, press Enter and start the application.

QuickFire Mac Firefox Extension

QuickFire Mac Firefox Extension

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Quicksilver Helps Our Productivity

There is no doubt that much of the beauty of Mac OS X lies in its simplicity: to install an app just drag it into a folder, move it to trash to uninstall it ,keep it in dock to quickly launch it.

Three simple processes that Windows users are still dreaming of.
But what happens when you have several applications on your Mac but do not want to keep all in the dock?
You need a  “launcher”, a small app that could be easily and that can afford to run any application in less than 2 seconds.

We therefore talk about  QuickSilver.

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Mailplane: brings Gmail to your Mac Desktop.

“Get Gmail out of the browser tab. And start saving time. “

Today I want to talk about an application that have saved my life over the past two months: Mailplane.

Gmail is surely one of the most used mail services in the world.
Since Google has launched this service 5 years ago , after a first (and typical) period of skepticism, Gmail has been able to reach a large number of users due    to its simple, clear and functional interface.
Not to mention the power and versatility of the available options .
Gmail, however,has been a regular “site” up to now: some people keep it in bookmarks, some keep an always open tab , but it’s still a site.

What would happen then if the power of Gmail were integrated into a desktop app?

Here comes Mailplane.

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