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Like it or not, Apple is going back to the Mac. The regular Mac user, fan, fanboy – whatever you’d like to call someone who showed a deep affection to Apple’s desktop operating system for the past decade – should like the fact that Steve Jobs confirmed Apple is still committed to making the best personal computers, based on OS X. The same regular Mac user, though, is immensely scared by the concept underlying Jobs’ statements: Apple is going back to the Mac, taking the good things learned in 3 years of iOS development with them. OS X turned into iPhone OS. iPhone OS became iOS for iPhone and iPad. Now, everything’s going back to where it all started: the Mac.

We have heard this story before. In fact, we all commented on Apple’s October 20th event by saying that, with the right approach, the Mac App Store and some iOS elements coming to the Mac might be the best thing that ever happened to the platform in years. Read more

Will Mac App Store Users Really Miss Demos? Probably Not.

The big news this morning is that Apple clarified its position on demos and trials in the upcoming Mac App Store and confirmed what we thought would happen all along: developers can’t have demo versions of their apps in the Mac App Store. Only full-featured retail versions will be accepted. Clearly, Apple doesn’t want to offer limited-time or “half baked” apps in its new Store, and it’s forcing Mac developers to go the iOS way with either free or paid apps.

That is going to cause a few problems and headaches for many, many OS X developers. For years, they have been trained to release demo / trail versions of applications, with a paid version to purchase immediately or after the trial runs out. And indeed Apple suggests just that: keep hosting trial versions on your website, because you’ll be able to insert a link to it in the App Store description page of the app. Just as it’s possible now in the iPhone and iPad App Store. Read more

Today’s AirPlay Is Just A Teaser

Yesterday we posted a tutorial on how to turn your iOS devices into AirPlay-compatible speakers using a jailbreak hack that involves copying two files to iOS’ filesystem. 24 hours into using it, I have to admit this has already radically changed the way I think of AirPlay – Apple’s streaming functionality for audio and video content introduced in iOS 4.2.

This is a taste of the AirPlay that’s going to be, and it looks a lot like an integrated model, all over again. Read more

Just Ahead Of Thanksgiving, Games Take Over The App Store

Frankly, I saw this coming: with all the offers and deals that have started to pop up in the App Store since last week, the rapid arise of games in the App Store charts doesn’t come as a surprise at all. Still, the results and numbers are noteworthy: while counting all the games in the App Store is nearly impossible (at least basing on official data, which Apple doesn’t provide), we can simply take a look at the “Top Paid Apps” and “Top Grossing Apps” charts to see what happened.

Games are dominating the Thanksgiving week in the App Store. Especially on the iPhone App Store, where at the moment of writing this only 26 apps out of the top 100 are non-games apps. The fact that we refer to them as “non-games apps” also tells a lot about the environment Apple created. The situation is slightly different on the iPad App Store (“only” 40,000 apps, newer platform) but the trend is just about the same on both the stores. Games are selling like hotcakes, huge discounts or not. Read more

Command Guru Is Back: Details On New Apps and Interview

Command Guru is a well-known iOS and Mac development studio based in Italy. You may have heard of them thanks to the iPhone Reality Show, an event that took place last year and was aimed at gathering iPhone designers and developers from all around the globe to create an iPhone app in just one week. All recorded and broadcasted live by the Command Guru team in their office. It was a huge event that attracted thousands of viewers and developers alike.

Now, Command Guru went under some sort of “forced silence” for the past few months, as they were focused on an internal re-organization (they acquired Doseido, makers of Sally Park and Headline for Mac) and planning of new apps for iPhone, iPad and Mac. Lots of things have been going around at Command Guru’s headquarters, and we had the chance to chat with their CEO to get to know more about the details of the new software. I’m testing their new iPhone app at the moment and I have to admit it’s really good.

To stay up to date with the new apps coming from Command Guru, make sure to follow @commandguru on Twitter or check out their Facebook page. A teaser website of the upcoming iPhone app is available here.

Now jump after the break, and read what Command Guru CEO Alessio Zito Rossi told us about the current state of iOS and Mac development, their upcoming apps and…an Apple II. Read more

What I Really Want From The iPad 2

Today’s another “iPad 2” rumors day. With speculations of “iPad 2” parts suppliers revealed and blogs wondering whether the second version of Apple’s tablet will carry 3 additional USB ports, a second multi-touch screen and Steve Jobs’ fingerprints embedded in the device’s chassis, I thought I might just write what I really want from the “iPad 2”.

I want iteration. I want the same refining process Apple adopted with the iPhone. We know that Steve Jobs probably already had an “iPad 2” running Apple’s cloud service in the backstage of the iPad announcement in January, and I’m pretty sure even more units of the new model are connected right now to some WiFi router at Cupertino. Heck, maybe they even have an iPad 3 prototype hidden under some black cloth in their secret labs. But I just want to explain why I don’t want and need any of the features mentioned in the rumors, and why I don’t believe that stuff won’t happen anyway. Read more

Twitter for iPad: Bitter Sweet Imperfection

Twitter released an update to their official iOS app last night. The update includes the much talked push notifications for messages and mentions which, especially on the iPhone, really help in keeping track of what’s happening on Twitter when you’re not in front of your computer. I want to focus on the iPad version, though.

People went hard on criticizing Twitter for iPad when it first came out. Admittedly, it wasn’t the easiest “upgrade” to perform: until two months ago, users were accustomed to Osfoora HD and Twitterrific, two great clients that I still keep on my iPad because I don’t mind using them every once in a while. They’re beautiful and powerful pieces of software. Twitterrific has a huge userbase, but it doesn’t differ much from the iPhone version nor does it try to walk away from the standard established by Apple in (sidebar in landscape mode, popover in portrait) being incorrectly used in thousands of other apps. I like Twitterrific, but it doesn’t give me the sense of trying something new, something revolutionary. Apps like Twitter for iPad, Aweditorium and Flipboard do. They bring a new, fresh experience to a new kind of device that seven months after its release still manages to surprise me. Read more

Going SSD On Your Mac

Those who follow me on Twitter know that a couple of weeks ago I upgraded my MacBook Pro (15-inch model, late 2008) to the new generation of hard drives: I bought a Solid State Drive, also simply known as SSD. Many have been asking and sending emails about the best tips to follow while changing a MacBook’s internal drive and upgrading to SSD, but the truth is there is no real “guide” or “tutorial” to follow. Yet another list post of must-read tips would be useless as my experience and setup is different than yours, and I’m not forcing anyone to follow steps and procedures that might just waste time.

So instead of putting together a tutorial, here’s the story of what I did. Read more