Posts in stories

Hey, Apple: The App Store Is Broken.

Last night Cody published his thoughts on iTunes and wireless syncing to devices, a matter we’ve been discussing here at MacStories for a long time. I agree with him (though I’m really not into podcasts as he is), but I want to follow-up by focusing on a secondary point: the App Store navigation.

Google is copying Apple, but the App Store is broken. I can’t believe that after 2 years of existence Apple still hasn’t fixed many of the issues that affected the App Store back in 2008. In fact, they added even more.

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Six Weeks With an iPhone 4

I got my iPhone 4 on June 30th, six weeks ago. I bought it from an Italian eBay seller who purchased two units in Montpellier (France) and decided to re-sell them at a considerably higher price on eBay. Looking back, I know I did the right thing: Apple sent a very few units for the Italian launch on July 30th, and even if I could manage to grab one on that day I would have missed 30 days of intensive usage and enjoyment. In those 30 days I had the chance to test the Retina Display, the antenna, FaceTime, the updated apps. It was worth it.

Now, it’s been six weeks with iPhone 4. Does it change everything?

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My Thoughts on the Cult of Mac Controversy

When I look at websites like TUAW, The Apple Blog, Macgasm, or a site such as ourselves that talks about the well being of the developer community, I expect all of us to be role models for others to follow and an avenue for developer success.

Which leads me to Cult of Mac. By now all of us are aware of Sayam Aggarwal’s brazen tutorial on how to install pirated software with the intent of, “Try before you buy.” It’s a shallow cause.

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If the iPad is So Good, Can You Eat Off of It?

Occasionally there’s an article that’s just… weird. You know, the kind of stuff that’s instantly able to turn a sour day into something incredibly awesome. Leave it to the Japanese to provide me with the one iPad article that beats them all. In fact, I don’t think anything will be able to top this for a long time. If you’ve read the headline, I think you know where this is going.

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Dear Apple, This Is What I Want On The iPad

I’ve been playing around with my iPad for three months now, and it has definitely changed many things in the way I approach my job, Twitter, news and the web in general. Is it magical? Yes, it is. Is it magical enough to completely reinvent the way people think of mobile devices? Maybe, but it’s personal.

The iPad is a highly personal device. Even more than the iPhone, which is and always will ultimately be a phone, the iPad has no defined purpose. Sure, Apple says that it’s the best way to read emails, surf the web and watch movies, but it’s up to you to turn the tablet into your machine. A productivity machine, an entertainment one or a gaming device? Your call.

For as much as I enjoy using my iPad, there are some things I’m missing. Features, let’s just say. Whether it’s about hardware adjustments I’d like to see, or software updates coming in the next months, I’ve put together a list of “stuff I want on the iPad”.

Maybe you’ll find something that you want in there, too.

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We All Screwed Up On The iPhone 4 Antenna

I’ve just finished watching today’s Apple press conference about the iPhone 4, and I can’t help but being totally surprised about the mess we created about this antenna issue.

After watching the cellphone videos Apple posted on the antenna page, I think we should all shut up for a second and think about the material we post on our blogs.

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Average Subfolder Maniacs

Two days ago I tried to use my girlfriend’s iPhone 3GS running iPhone OS 3.1.3 and I couldn’t believe it was the same device - running the same operating system -  I had two weeks ago. iOS 4 is a huge step forward for Apple (iAds), developers (new APIs) and users (multitasking, folders). Now that we have iOS 4, it’s hard to look back and be unbiased about iPhone OS 3.

There’s something that deeply concerns me though, and it’s about the way people think about folders.

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iOS 4 On The iPad Won’t Be What You Think

I’m reading many comments these days of people frustrated because Apple hasn’t announced further plans for iOS 4 on the iPad. We know it’s going to ship this fall, but we don’t know anything more than that. So people seem to think that Apple doesn’t care about the iPad, now that the iPhone 4 is available and they’re having some hard times convincing customers that it works just fine and all the issues will be fixed with a software update.

I’ll tell you what, you’re wrong.

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Two Days With iPhone 4: My First Impressions

I bought a French iPhone 4 on eBay, 16GB model. I paid a lot for it, but I’m not complaining - I needed one. Waiting for Italian providers to comfortably announce their plans wasn’t a viable option. I’ve received the device on Wednesday and had some problems cutting my SIM to fit the new Mini-SIM tray; my first day with the iPhone 4 felt pretty much like using a Retina iPod Touch. Yesterday I managed to buy another SIM, make it mini and finally start using the iPhone 4 - well - as an iPhone.

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