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Posts in tutorials

Snow Leopard: Disabling Exposé in Dock menus

Betalogue link

You just need to enter this command in Terminal:

defaults write show-expose-menus -bool no

After restarting the Dock (with killall Dock or with another utility), you will now have a Dock where clicking and holding on an application icon gives you the same menu as the one you get with control-clicking. And it’s instantaneous. Yey!

And just so you know, changing this setting does not disable the other feature, i.e. the “Minimize windows into application icon” feature. It still works. You just don’t have to deal with slow Exposé crap anymore.

Great tip aimed to those who can’t stand the new Exposè menu feature.

How To: Convert PDFs to Jpeg and PNG With Applescript

Applescript is one of those Mac OS features a few people master and many ignore. Truth be told, Apple has never published an “official” get-started guide to Applescript, so I understand all those users who just don’t get the point with it.

Anyway, Applescript is a human-language based code which enables users to perform actions. In case you’d like to know more about, take a look at my 25 Links to the Best AppleScripts Tutorials and Examples.

Today, I’d like to talk about this two neat applescripts I found here which let you easily convert your PDF files to .jpeg or .PNG formats.

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40 Creative Uses For Dropbox Designers and Mac Users Will Love

Dropbox is a great service: it allows users to keep everything (yes, everything) in sync between multiple devices. I daily use Dropbox in my workflow to backup my Yojimbo library and share stuff with my friends and co-workers, and I’m very satisfied. If you’re new to Dropbox, you can signup with this referrall link and, besides testing the service, you’ll make me earn 250 extra MB. (and I will thank you in one way or another)

Anyway, there are many creative yet less known uses for Dropbox. In this roundup I’ve collected the best I found around the web, but if you know more please share them in the comments!

Enjoy ;)

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Instapaper: Tips, Hacks and Tuts for iPhone and Mac Users.

If you’re a blogger, a social network addicted, a casual geek, it’s very, very likely that you open tons of links everyday. From a browser point of view, this means that you usually have 10 / 20 / 30 open tabs and - you know - it’s not so good. But, it’s also likely that you don’t read all the pages as soon as you open them: you leave them open for  later reading sessions.

And here come tools such as Read it Later and Instapaper: instead of leaving those open tabs cluttering your browser window, you can send pages to your read later app and - ehm - read it when you want. I’ve reviewed Read it Later for iPhone a few months ago, be sure to read the article if you missed it.

Anyway, today I’d like to talk about the famous alternative to RiL, Instapaper. Developed by Marco Arment (lead developer of Tumblr), Instapaper has slowly become one the most popular applications in the App Store, featured on many tech blogs / magazines.

Is there a way to make Instapaper even more Apple-style? Sure! I’ve collected some tips and hacks to enhance your Instapaper experience while on Mac OS and iPhone OS, but don’t hesitate to share your tips and suggestions in the comments!

Enjoy! ;)

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How To Get the Black Grid Back in iTunes 9

iTunes has recently gone under a major update with the release of the 9.0 (and 9.0.1) which introduced several new features: a new store, new social networks integration, iTunes LPs and much more.

From a UI standpoint, the most discussed change is without doubt the new white background of the Applications and Music folders.

Now, I want to show you how to get back the much loved black grid.

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