I guess you heard that T.J. Maxx is having this unexpected sale of iPads (16GB, WiFi models) at $399 – $100 off the regular Apple price. No one knows where these iPads come from, no one knows why and how are they running this promotion. Steve Jobs, though, doesn’t approve at all.
While people are excited about this sale and are apparently struggling to find these discounted iPads at the nearest T.J. Maxx store, el Jobso shot a series of emails claiming that they are not an authorized reseller. As reported by 9to5mac, he also promised a curious Apple fan that there’s not even the smallest chance he’ll match the discounted of T.J. Maxx, for Ballmer’s sake.
Well, I wish he said something like that. He just went double “nope”:
Good job, combo Steve. We’ll be waiting here, curious to see how this whole Apple Vs. T.J. Maxx story will end.